The Byble in Englyshe that is to saye, the content of all the holye scrypture, bothe of the olde and newe Testament, truly translated after the veryte of the Hebrue and Greke textes, by the diligent studye of dyuers excellent lerned [men e]xperte in the fore[saide] tongues.

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The Byble in Englyshe that is to saye, the content of all the holye scrypture, bothe of the olde and newe Testament, truly translated after the veryte of the Hebrue and Greke textes, by the diligent studye of dyuers excellent lerned [men e]xperte in the fore[saide] tongues.
Prynted at L[ondo]n :: by [Thomas] Petyt, and [Robert] Redman, for Thomas Berthelet: prynter vnto the kyngis grace. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum,

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"The Byble in Englyshe that is to saye, the content of all the holye scrypture, bothe of the olde and newe Testament, truly translated after the veryte of the Hebrue and Greke textes, by the diligent studye of dyuers excellent lerned [men e]xperte in the fore[saide] tongues." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed April 30, 2024.


¶ He exhorteth them vnto loue, warneth them to be ware of al vnclennesse. He teacheth howe women shuld obey their husbandes, and howe louyngly men ought to intreate they wyues.


BE ye therfore folowers of God as de∣re [unspec A] chyldren, and walke in loue euen as Christe loued vs, and gaue hym selfe for vs an offerynge and a sacrycye of a swete sa¦uer to God. As for fornicacyon and al vn∣clēnes, or couetousnes let it not be once na∣med amonge you, as it becommeth sanctes: or fylthynes or folyshe talkynge, or testyng, which are not comly: but rather gyuynge of thankes. For this ye know that no whore∣monger, ether vncleane person, or couetous person, (which is a worshypper of ymages) [unspec B] hath any enherytaunce in the kyngdome of Christ and of God.

Let no man deceyue you wt vayne wor∣des. For because of suche thynges commeth the wrath of God, vpon the chyldren of dys∣obedyenc. Be not ye therfore companyons of thē. Ye were somtime darckenes, but now are ye lyght in the Lorde.

Walcke as chyldren of lyght. For the [unspec C] fruyte of the spyryte consysteth in all good∣nes, and ryghtuousnes and trueth. ⊢ Ac∣cepte that, whyche is pleasynge vnto the Lorde, and haue no felowshyppe wyth the vnfruytefull workes of darckenes: but ra∣ther rebuke them. For it is shame euen to name those thynges whiche are done of thē in secret: but al thinges, when they are rebu∣ked of the lyghte, are manyfest. For what∣soeuer is manifest, that same is light. Wher¦fore he sayeth: awake thou that slepest, and stande vp from death, and Christ shal gyue the lyght.

✚ Take hede therefore howe ye walcke [unspec]

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irc••••spectly: not as vnwise, but as wyse mē: auoydynge occasyon, because the dayes are euyll. Wherfore, be ye not vnwyse, but vn∣derstande what the wyl of the Lorde is, and be not droncke with wyne wherin is excesse: but be fylled with the spirite, speakyng vn∣to youre selues in Psalmes and Hymnes, and spiritual songes, syngyng and making melodie to the Lord in your hertes, gyuyng thankes alwayes for al thynges vnto God the father, in the name of oure Lorde Iesus Christ, submyttyng your selues one to ano∣ther in the feare of God, ⊢

Ye wemē, submyt your selues vnto your [unspec E] owne husbandes, as vnto the Lorde. For the husbāde is the wiues head, euē as Christ is the head of the congregacion, & the same is he that ministreth saluacion vnto the bo∣dy. Therfore as the congregacion is in sub∣ieccyon to Christ, lyke wyse let the wemē al∣so be in subieccion to their husbandes in all thynges. Ye husbādes, loue your wyues, euē as Christ also loued the cōgregacion, & gaue [unspec F] him selfe for it, to sanctyfye it, & clensed it in the fountayne of water thorowe the worde, to make it vnto him selfe a gloryous congre¦gaciō, without spot or wrynckle, or any such thyng: but that it shulde be holy, & without blame. So ought men to loue their wyues, as their owne bodyes. He that loueth his wyfe, loueth himself: For no mā euer yet ha¦ted his owne flesshe: but norysheth & cherys∣sheth it, euē as the Lorde doth the congrega¦cion. For we are mēbers of his body, of hys flesshe, & of his bones. For this cause shall a man leue father & mother, & shalbe ioyned vnto his wyfe, and of two shalbe made one flesshe. This is a great secrete, but I speake of Christ & of the congregacion. Neuerthe∣lesse, do ye so, that euery one loue his wyfe euen as hym selfe. And let the wyfe fere her husbande.


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