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Gender-Based Microaggressions in STEM Settings Sekaquaptewa, Denise PDF (2.2mb)
Navigating Space and Racial Microaggressions as an Undocumented Latinx Millennial Rodriguez, Cassaundra PDF (2.4mb)
Hierarchical Microaggressions in Higher Education Settings: Anyone Can Be a Victim, Perpetrator, or Bystander Lee, Ahlam PDF (2.0mb)
Daily Microaggressions and Mood in a Community-Based Sample of Young Gay and Bisexual Men: A Focus on Within-Person Daily Processes Cook, Stephanie H.; Wood, Erica P.; Chunara, Rumi PDF (3.5mb)
“Too Many to Count”: Experiences of Microaggressions for Latinx Students at a Predominantly White Institution in the Age of Trump Gutiérrez, Lorraine M.; Rodríguez-Newhall, Amanda; Mora, Andrea; Areguin, Maira A.; Salazar, Marissa PDF (902kb)
Stories of Microaggressions and Microaffirmation: A Framework for Understanding Campus Racial Climate Rolón-Dow, Rosalie PDF (7.2mb)
Setting the Tone: Micro/Macro Racial Aggression, Antiblackness and the Outlining of a Trans-National Research Agenda on Community Responses to State Terror Alves, Jaime A. PDF (734kb)
How Can We Talk about Race in the Classroom? Pennell, Summer Melody; Stobbe, Emily PDF (1.5mb)
Suppressing Campus Protests and Political Engagement in U.S. Higher Education: Insights from the Protest Policy Project™ Davis III, Charles H. F. PDF (1.7mb)
What Is Deficit Thinking? An Analysis of Conceptualizations of Deficit Thinking and Implications for Scholarly Research Davis, Lori Patton; Museus, Samuel D. PDF (422kb)
The Experiences of Academic Diversity Officers at the University of Michigan Grim, Jeffrey K.; Sánchez-Parkinson, Laura; Ting, Marie; Chavous, Tabbye PDF (3.9mb)
The Promise of Diversity Statements: Insights and a Framework Developed from Faculty Applications Sylvester, Ching-Yune C.; Sánchez-Parkinson, Laura; Yettaw, Matthew; Chavous, Tabbye PDF (3.5mb)