Alphabet of tales : an English 15th century translation of the Alphabetum narrationum of Etienne de Besançon, from Additional MS. 25,719 of the British Museum / by Etienne de Besançon

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Alphabet of tales : an English 15th century translation of the Alphabetum narrationum of Etienne de Besançon, from Additional MS. 25,719 of the British Museum / by Etienne de Besançon
Etienne de, Besançon, d. 1294
Banks, Mary Macleod
London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner, & Co., Ltd.
1904, 1905

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"Alphabet of tales : an English 15th century translation of the Alphabetum narrationum of Etienne de Besançon, from Additional MS. 25,719 of the British Museum / by Etienne de Besançon." In the digital collection Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 27, 2024.


Antonij Abbatis.

We rede in 'Vitis Patrum,' how on̛ a tyme as Saynt Anton̛ lay in a den in wildernes, a grete multitude of fendis come vnto hym̛ and rafe hym̛, & toylid̛ hym̛, to so mekle he was nerehand̛ dead̛.

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And his brether went & soght hym̛, & fand̛ hym̛ nere dede; & þai wepud & made grete sorow, and fechid̛ hym̛ home. So on̛ a nyght when̛ he was amendid̛, & aƚƚ his brethir was oslepe, he garte bere hym̛ agayn̛ vnto þe sayd den̛: and as he lay þer, & many wowndis vppon̛ hym̛, he lukid evur when̛ þir fendis suld̛ com̛ agayn̛. Than̛ þai come in liknes of wilde bestis, & with þer hornys & þer tethe þai rafe his flessℏ, & wowndid̛ hym̛ hugelie. Than̛ sodanlie þer apperid̛ a mervaylus light, & þies fendis fled̛; & sodanlie Saynt Anton̛ was hele of aƚƚ his wowndis. So att þe laste he vnderstude þat þer was almighti God Hym̛ selfe; & þan̛ he said̛; "A! gude Jesu! whar was þou? whar was þou? whi was þou not with me in þe begynyng, at þou mot hafe helpid̛ me, and helid my wowndis?" And our Lord ansswerrid hym̛ agayn̛ & said̛; "Anton̛, I was here, bod I abade to se þi bateƚƚ; and becauce now at þou has manlelie ouercommen̛ þine enmys, I saƚƚ make þi name to be knowen̛ þurgℏ aƚƚ þis werld̛, and þe for to be wurshuppid̛."

  • ...Antonius recreatur cum fratribus. Supra de Abbate.
  • ...Apparicio. Apparet quandoque deus. Infra de leproso.
  • ...Apparet quandoque beata virgo. Infra de beata Maria. et alibi MS. et in alij pluribus locis. in pluribus locis.
  • ...Apparent quandoque angeli. Supra de angelo.
  • ...Apparent demones. Infra de Maria. viij.
  • ...Apparent mortui. Infra de morte, fere totum, et de suffragijs.
  • ...Appetitus est reprimendus. Supra de abstinencia, X et V.

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