[Printed invoice for the Westminster Temperance Hotel in Chester, England, featuring a horse-drawn carriage and four pedestrians travelling on the street and sidewalk in front of the hotel]



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Record Details

[Printed invoice for the Westminster Temperance Hotel in Chester, England, featuring a horse-drawn carriage and four pedestrians travelling on the street and sidewalk in front of the hotel]
1894 August 10-11
Partially printed D, August 10-11, 1894. Chester, [UK], page 1. From a collection of approximately 160 items related to the Hillard family and Low family of New York and Boston, including correspondence, documents, photographs, poetry, ephemera, and pamphlets. Family members wrote around one-third of the letters and typescripts, as well as 35 pages from a letter book, while living and working in China in the mid-1800s. Other letters and additional materials concern the families' social and business lives in New York and Massachusetts throughout the 19th century. The families were related by marriage.
Collection Title
Hillard-Low family papers
Collection Creator
Hillard family and Low family.
William L. Clements Library
Date Added/Updated
2019-02-27 11:06:42

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5888 x 6540
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1 MB
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"[Printed invoice for the Westminster Temperance Hotel in Chester, England, featuring a horse-drawn carriage and four pedestrians travelling on the street and sidewalk in front of the hotel]". https://quod.lib.umich.edu/w/wcl1ic/x-7225/wcl007291. In the digital collection William L. Clements Library Image Bank. William L. Clements Library, University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. July 27, 2024.
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