[Printed stationery for the Windsor hotel showcasing a busy street scene with numerous pedestrians walking on the sidewalk and horse-drawn vehicles driving in the street in front of the hotel that has flags flying atop it]



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[Printed stationery for the Windsor hotel showcasing a busy street scene with numerous pedestrians walking on the sidewalk and horse-drawn vehicles driving in the street in front of the hotel that has flags flying atop it]
1891 September 20
Pearce [Atkinson] ALS to Mother [Margaret P. Atkinson], September 20, 1891. Denver, Co., page 1. From a collection of papers containing correspondence between Atkinson and his parents, written primarily in the 1890s. The majority of the letters date from his time at Lehigh University and early engineering career with the Union Pacific Railway. These letters include descriptions of his college life and later railroad work in the mountains of Utah, Wyoming, and Colorado.
Collection Title
Pearce Atkinson papers
Collection Creator
Atkinson, George W.P. and Atkinson, Pearce, 1868-1896.
William L. Clements Library
Date Added/Updated
2018-11-30 11:46:30

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6096 x 6756
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1 MB
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"[Printed stationery for the Windsor hotel showcasing a busy street scene with numerous pedestrians walking on the sidewalk and horse-drawn vehicles driving in the street in front of the hotel that has flags flying atop it]". https://quod.lib.umich.edu/w/wcl1ic/x-6968/wcl007034. In the digital collection William L. Clements Library Image Bank. William L. Clements Library, University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. July 27, 2024.
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