University of Michigan, Proceedings of the Board of Regents


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The Proceedings of the Board of Regents are the permanent historical record of actions taken by the University of Michigan Board of Regents from 1837 to the present.

Proceedings volumes are organized on a fiscal year basis, so that volumes begin with the July meeting of one year and end with the June meeting of the next year. Beginning in July 1987, the Proceedings have been published in one-year volumes (e.g., July 1987-June 1988). Prior to that, they were normally published in three-year volumes.

In addition to the text search capabilities of the Regents Proceedings found on this website, it is also possible to search the index to the Proceedings. Through that method, one can search for phrases or items which will elicit further information, including the volume and page number of the Proceedings where an entry can be found on a given topic. One would then return to this site and retrieve the reference from the appropriate volume. This might be a more convenient method of obtaining information in some situations. The Regents Proceedings Index can be found at

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These materials have been dedicated to the public domain using the Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication at To the extent possible under the law, the Regents of the University of Michigan have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to them.

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