A calesin : Manila -- 1900 / 444 / 1900



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About this Item

Record Details

Source Collection ID
Work Title
A calesin : Manila -- 1900
Source Collection Name
Photographs of the Philippine Islands [photographs]
Source Medium AAT
Albumen print
Record ID
Source Repository
University of Michigan. Special Collections Library
Source Size
12 x 18 cm.
Work Topic - LCSH
Carriages and carts--Philippines--Manila
Source Inscriptions / Markings
[Original inventory no.:] 57-r14. [Handwritten on back of album leaf:] I "Calesin"
Source Creation Date
Work Topic - LCTGM
Carriages & coaches--Philippines--Manila--1900-1910
Work Topic
Work Topic Geography
Manila (Philippines)
Source LocID

Image Metadata

Image Digitization Date
2013-06-14 09:58:27 -0400
Image Source: Dimension
8008 x 4800
Image Source: File Size
109 MB
Image Source: Resolution

Technical Details

Image Size
8008 x 4800
File Size
3 MB
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Full citation
"A calesin : Manila -- 1900; 444; 1900." In the digital collection Philippine Photographs Digital Archive, Special Collections Research Center, University of Michigan. https://quod.lib.umich.edu/s/sclphilimg/x-444/phla464. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 26, 2024.
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