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1. Martyn-rent.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
Martin n.

2. Rob. Martyn.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
Martin n.

3. Martin Wlward.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
wolf n.

4. Martin Shortrad.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
red n.(1)

5. Martin Steuhard.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
steuard n.

6. Martin Predicatur.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword

7. Martin Tasker.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword

8. Martin Horloc.

Associated headword

9. [Martin the] Maltare.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
maltere n.

10. Johannes Martin de Estone.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
Martin n.

11. Robert Martin le Cleric.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
clerk n.

12. Martin le Vyenur.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
viner n.(2)

13. Martin le Yungemey.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
yong adj.

14. Martin le Tauier.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
tauier n.

15. Martin. le Parkar.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
parker n.

16. [Alice Martin,] Gildestere.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword

17. Martin le gourdmaker.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword

18. Martin le Predicatur.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword

19. heþ yssred mid þise cloþe.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
shriden v.

20. ii mantellis martyn throtez, ii mantellis misefurre.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
martrin n.

21. ii mantellis martyn throtez, ii mantellis misefurre.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
mous n.

22. heþ yssred mid þise cloþe.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
cloth n.

23. Seint Martin was Erchebisshope of Towres.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
of prep.

24. [Cristina, wife of Martin, the] feutrar.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword

25. Ȝowre kyng..deide atte qwynzyme of seint martyn.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword

26. The kynge is now deed sithe Martin-masse.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword

27. Sant martin..todelde his mentel to þe poure.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
mantel n.

28. Seint Martyn was i-bore in þe londe of sabarie.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
Martin n.

29. 'Nay,' quod this monk, 'by god and seint Martyn!'

Associated headword
Martin n.

30. [John Martyn..groom of the] scaldynghous [within the household].

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword

31. Martin abbot..heold mycel carited in the hus.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
hous n.

32. Seint Brice..after seint Martin was Ershebisshope of towres.

33. Martin abbot..brohte heom into þe neuuæ mynstre.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
neue adj.

34. Seint Martyn..was i-noriced in þe londe of papie.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword

35. Apres Coeverfu persone a Seint Martyn le graunt.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
curfeu n.

36. folowid Saynt Martyn vnto þe kurk-ward.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword

37. Sein martin þe bigan on his guwuð bien almesful.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
almesful adj.

38. Must..lastith tyl the sesoun of Seint Martyn.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
sesoun n.

39. I beseche ȝow þat ȝe willyn speke to John Martyn.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
willen v.(1)

40. On al þis yuele time heold Martin abbot his abbotrice.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
on prep.

41. John Martyn, Yoman of oure Larder for oure mouth.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
larder n.

42. Þey sette a chapel Of seint Martyn, a fair iuwel.

Associated headword
jeuel n.

43. The Fest of Seint Martyn in wynter next comyng.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
comen v.

44. [The following men of each Ward..] Crepulgate [Thomas Martyn].

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
crepel n.

45. Yat one half yerof, except afore except, at the Fest of Seint Martyn..and the oyer half yerof, except afore except, at the Fest of Seint Martyn in Wynter then next folowyng.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
except ppl. (and conj.)

46. I, the seid Robert..knowliche and appele Thomas Burgeys..Gentilmanne, and anne his wief, sumtyme the wief of John Martyn..falsly and felonsly with the same..poysone above named..impoysoned the seid John Martyn.

Associated headword

47. A pure nakid man folowid Saynt Martyn..he commandyd his archedekyn to garr hym be cledd, and he lachid þerin. And Saynt Martyn..doffid his cote & gaff it vnto þis pure man.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
lachen v.

48. Ne martren [vr. martyn] ne sable, I trowe..Was noon founden in her garment.

Associated headword
martrin n.

49. He het Martyn with heom wende and Armure with him take.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
armure n.

50. Take þe poudre of alym brent or martyn masse beef y-brent & cast þeron.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword

51. Rughȝ hij ben also hounde..Visages after martyn ape [LinI: martryn apen].

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
ape n.

52. On al þis yuele time heold Martin abbot his abbotrice..mid micel suinc.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
muchel adj.

53. This dedicacioun was in halowmesse monthe sumwhat aftyr seynt martyn day.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword

54. This dedicacioun was in halowmesse monthe sumwhat aftyr seynt martyn day.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword

55. Sein[t] Martin, þe bigan on his guwuðe þe clene lif..faire it endede.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
enden v.

56. Martin abbot..wrohte on þe circe & sette þar to landes & rentes & goded it suythe.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
setten v.

57. Þat ilce dæi þat Martin, abbot of Burch, sculde þider faren þa sæclede he.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
shulen v.(1)

58. Martyn Ferres and feffement of Sir Guy de Briene..som tyme were confeffes.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
cofeffe n.

59. For wills saint Martin lifed in land, Saint Brice was euer to him seruand.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
whiles conj.

60. Le Baylif..fust en le Quarfuk pres de la eglise seynt Martin.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
carfouk n.

61. Seint Martin fond a ȝong man ded, þat swiþe wel with him was.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
wel adj.

62. On al þis yuele time…Martin…wrohte on þe circe & sette þar to landes and rentes.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
werken v.(1)

63. Ebreis seien, martyn-apis and wielde cattes; and martynapis ben liyk apis, but thei ben tailid.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword

64. Com crist wiþ þe half Mantel cledde þat Martyn ȝaf þe pore Man.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
half adj.

65. Formosus..was restored by Martin the Pope; of whech mater was grete altercacion in the Cherch.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword

66. Seint Martin..custe him, and anon aftur-ward þe Musel al hol was.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
mesel n.

67. Þat ilce dæi..Martin..ward ded..& te munekes innen dæis cusen oþer of heom sælf.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
innen prep.

68. Wryton att Welouby on Sonday afture the day of Sent Martyn.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword

69. Saynt Martyn..went in-to his secretorie & doffid his cote & gaff it vnto þis pure man.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword

70. Martin abbot..wrohte on þe circe & sette þar to landes & rentes.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
chirche n.

71. On al þis yuele time heold Martin abbot his abbotrice..mid micel suinc.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
swink n.

72. Þe tyme þat ȝe and John Martyn mowe speke to-kedyr ate ȝour bothe esement.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
esement n.

73. [St. Martin]..was inspired with God and ȝeuen al to God fro his childe-hode.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
enspiren v.(2)

74. Martin abbot..wrohte on þe circe & sette þar to landes & rentes, & goded it suythe.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword

75. In þe dedicacoun of þe cherch, whech is þe octaue day of seint martyn.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
octave, octaves n. singular & plural

76. Heold Martin abbot his abbotrice xx wintre & half gær & viii dæis mid micel suinc.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
holden v.(1)

77. On al þis yuele time heold Martin abbot his abbotrice xx wintre & half gær & viii dæis.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
half adj.

78. Martin abbot..fand þe munekes & te gestes al þat heom be houed.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
finden v.

79. Martin, abbot of Burch..sæclede..& ward ded..& te munekes..byrieden þabbot hehlice.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
the def. art.

80. viii mantellis calaber stage, ii mantellis martyn throtez, ii mantellis misefurre.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
throte n.

81. Ther ben othyr bestis v of chase: The buk..the do..the martyn..the roo.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
do n.

82. Þis was declared on Wensday þe translacion of seynt lundon: þe wynnyng of louers.

Associated headword

83. Resseyued of Martyn Harlowe for j bem and weyghtes not trewe, Summa xiij s. iiij d.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword

84. On al þis yuele time heold Martin abbot his abbotrice xx wintre & half gær & viii dæis.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
time n.(2)

85. Þat ilce dæi þat Martin abb. of Burch sculde þider faren.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
dai n.

86. Þai dede hem out of þat gardin, Þat is icleped þe bois of seint Martin.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
bois n.

87. Brice toke up a gret laughinge..And..Martin asked hym whi he laughed.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword

88. Martin abbot..wrohte on þe circe..& goded it suythe & læt it refen.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
leten v.

89. In seint martin lente vnto Cristemas day..they muste faste euery day excepte sondayes.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword

90. As he [St.Martin] was at mes, a byrnyng globe aperid abown his head.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
globe n.

91. Fro Martyn messe to gode tyde evyne, þys mete wylle serve.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
God, god n.(1)

92. In ye parish of Saint Martin before ye palays of ye Bishop.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
palais n.

93. Pope Martyn..and pope Eugeny..hath ordeigned grevese paynes ayens alle such persons.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword

94. Martin abbot..plantede winiærd & makede mani weorkes, & wende þe tun betere þan it ær wæs.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword

95. God..zede to his angles, 'Martin yet nou y-primsened me heþ yssred mid þise cloþe.'

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword

96. Martin abbot..wrohte on þe circe & sette þar to landes & rentes & goded it suythe.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
goden v.

97. Martin abbot..wrohte on þe circe..& goded it..& læt it refen.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
refen v.

98. The story of a boke that maister Martyn traunslated oute of latyn.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword

99. Brice toke up a gret laughinge and seint Martin perseiued it.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
taken v.

100. Þai went þam till ane owten-strete, For þai wald noght saint Martyn mete.

Associated headword
outen adj.