Middle English Dictionary Entry

cō̆rs n.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) A dead body, corpse; ded ~; dedman ~; (b) ~ present, a customary gift to the clergy from the estate of a deceased parishioner, a mortuary.
(a) The body of a living person; also, the body of an animal; (b) the body (as distinct from the soul); (c) eccl. the consecrated mass-wafer, the Host; (d) in oaths: bi Godes ~, etc.
(a) An individual, a person, (one's) person, (one's) self; mi cors, etc., myself, etc.; (b) in legal phrases: habeas corpus, a writ of habeas corpus; corpus cum causa, a writ transferring the person of a prisoner with the records in the case to a different court.
(a) The body (as distinct from head or limbs), trunk; (b) trunk of a vine; branch of a tree; (c) a body of citizens, band of knights; (d) the body of a soil, the substance; a body of law; the main part or amount.
(a) Silk (or other material) woven in strips, often richly ornamented with silver and gold; a length of such silk used as a ceinture or belt, a book mark, or for other purposes; (b) ~ wever, a weaver of such belts.
Alch.?The substance of a metal, ?one of the seven bodies [see bodi 10b].

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • ?a1425(?a1350) Castleford Chron.(Göt Hist 740)20218 : Þe Saxons, so fals of fame..Treuȝ to me þam dedeignes to hald..I anenter strengh salle me afors Þis daie to venge me on þar cors.
  • Note: Needed for date.
    Note: Belongs to sense 2.(a).--per MLL

Supplemental Materials (draft)

Note: Med., etc., see further J.Norri, Dictionary of Medical Vocabulary, s.v. corpse.