Middle English Dictionary Entry

conissaunce n.
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Entry Info

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) Knowledge, understanding, information; (b) recognition; (c) ben of ~, to be known or familiar to (sb.), be of (one's) acquaintance.
(a) Any device, emblem, or badge by which a knight's allegiance, a sovereign's identity, etc., are made known; also fig. [quot.: 1532]; (b) a pennon with such a device.
Law (a) The hearing and trying of a case at law; (b) the right to try a case, jurisdiction.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • c1450(1438) GLeg.Pope Pelagius (GiL174) (Eg 876) 943/233 : The sike men be not constreyned therto, but it is comaunded hem that bycause of the conisaunce [F recongnoissance; L recognitionis] they shull go euery yere to Ametys and praie there.
  • Note: Editor: "conisaunce: "'formal acknowledgment'; MED records this sense for reconisaunce, sense 2., but only for legal contexts, and not at all for conisaunce."
    Note: New sense.