Middle English Dictionary Entry

colt n.
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Entry Info

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) The young of a horse, ass, or camel; asse ~, hors ~; (b) ~ bridel, the headgear for a colt; ~ halter, a halter for leading or tying up a colt; ~ haver, oats for colts; (c) ~ hirde, ~ man, one who tends colts; -- as surnames.
Used contemptuously of human offspring.
Idioms, sayings, proverbs: techen ~ endaunture, to tame a colt; haven a coltes toth, to have youthful desires, be lascivious; the flesh is as wild as ~; etc.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • a1200 Reginald Bk.St.Cuth.(Dur-C Hunter 101)24 : Pro cujus inventionis opere, Coite, semper, quod equum sonat, vocabatur agnomine.
  • Note: New spelling: Also (?error)coite
    Note: Probably belongs to sense 1.(a). (Although 'Coite',Colt, is given to someone as a name; it may belong to sense 1.(c).)
    Note: This quot. has been taken back to books.--notes per MLL
  • c1450 Terms Assoc.(2) (Cmb Ll.1.18)232 : A harresse off horsez, mares, or coltez.
  • Note: Additional quote(s)
    Note: Belongs to sense 1.(a).--per MLL
Note: The list of variant spellings in the form section may not be complete. Note, for example, collt in sense 1.(a).
Note: Correct the form cowlt in the form section to coult.--notes per MLL