Middle English Dictionary Entry

clippen v.(2)
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Entry Info

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) To cut off (sth.); ~ out; (b) to cut off (the hair, the beard); ~ awei; (c) to shear (wool, a fleece); ~ awei; (d) fig. to remove (sin); cut off (a straggler); ~ awei, ~ of.
(a) To cut the hair off (sb.), give (sb.) a haircut; cut or trim (hair, head); cut hair; (b) to shear (sheep); (c) to clip or mutilate (a coin); (d) to shape or engrave (dies used in minting money); (e) to circumcise; (f) in ?prov. expression eiþer milk eiþer clip, 'one thing or the other'.
To cut up (sth.), chop in pieces.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • ?c1400(1379) Daniel *Treat.Uroscopy (Roy 17.D.1)f.100ra (3.12) : Whiche sekenesse is causede þorogh scharphede and exces of vnkynde hete in the lendes and þerabouten, dissoluand & wastand þe substance of hem, & clippend and chippand awaie þe smale partis of hem.
Note: ?New sense. Editor's gloss: clippend, v. pr. ppl. 'causing small particles in the body to waste away'.