Middle English Dictionary Entry

centre n.
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Entry Info

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

The geometrical center of a circle or sphere.
A dot or hole that marks the center of a circle or sphere.
The fixed center about which circles or spheres revolve or can be described; often fig., as a symbol of stability; as ani ~ stable.
The central part or core (of a mass).
The central or middle point of an irregular body.
The position of equilibrium (of an instrument).
Astron. (a) The point of the metal tongue representing a star on the rete of an astrolabe; (b) ~ arin, a point at the center of an equatorie which represents the center of the earth; ~ defferent, the center of the main circular orbit of a planet's motion; commun ~ defferent, the hole in the limb of the epicycle part of an equatorie which serves as centre defferent for all of the planets; ~ equant, a point near the center of a deferent circle about which the angular velocity is uniform; (c) (table of) centres, a table showing distances of centre equant and centre defferent from the center of an equatorie for each of the planets severally.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • (c1392) ?Westwyk EPlanets (Peterh 75)38/6 : The centre of hir (lune) epicicle..moeuyth equaly aboute the centre of the zodiac.
  • Note: Quot. antedates sense 1..
  • (c1392) ?Westwyk EPlanets (Peterh 75)26/10 : The face of the equatorie: euery centre mot ben also smal as a nedle & in euery equant mot be a silk thred.
  • Note: Additional quot. for sense 2..
  • c1450 Lydg.FP (Ryl Eng 2)2.2061 : Tentre [Bod: Nay, rather deie..than tassente To his desirs,which thyng God forbeede, Or fro the centre off my chast entente For to remeue outher in thouht or dede].
  • Note: New form: Also..(error) tentre.
    Note: Quot. belongs to sense 3. (fig.)
  • (c1392) ?Westwyk EPlanets (Peterh 75)24/24 : Draw thanne by thi rewle a lyne fro the hed of aries to the hed of libra..& draw swich another lyne ouerthwart..fro the hed of cancer to the hed of capricorne & in the seccioun of this crois is the centre of the epicicle.
  • Note: Epicicle = a part of the equatorie. Center of the Epicicle = the middle of the bar of the Epicicle where the bar is pivoted.
    Note: Supplementary material for sense 5..
  • (c1392) ?Westwyk EPlanets (Peterh 75)18/26 : The middel poynt of this plate wher as the fix fot of thy compas stondith wole I calle centre aryn.
  • (c1392) ?Westwyk EPlanets (Peterh 75)20/21 : Set thanne the fix poynt of thy compas in centre aryn & the moeuable point in .12. degres..of lyne alhudda & descriue a cercle & þt is the centre defferent of the mone.
  • (c1392) ?Westwyk EPlanets (Peterh 75)34/32 : Nota..þt thy nedle ne be nat remewed whan it is stikyd thorw the commune centre defferent into any centre different on thy plate.
  • Note: Additional quots. for sense 7.(b).
Note: The list of variant spellings in the form section is incomplete and needs revision to accord with standards of later volumes of the MED. Provisional revised form section (including Supplement forms): Also sentre (Latinate) centrum & (error) tentre; pl. centri(e)s.--notes per MLL