Middle English Dictionary Entry

brīn n. (plural)
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Entry Info

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

Note: Cp. brǒue.
(a) Eyebrows, or the ridges of the eyebrows; (b) eyelid(s).

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • c1330(?c1300) Bevis (Auch)33/685 : Wiþ stepe eiȝen & rowe bren So loþeliche he gan on hem sen.
  • Note: Antedates word.
    Note: Quot. belongs to sense (a).
Note: The list of variant spellings in the form section is incomplete and needs revision to accord with standards of later volumes of the MED. Provisional revised form section: Also brine, bren & briȝes & (?error) brye.--notes per MLL

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • a1484 Diseases Women (2) (Trin-C R.14.52)488/73 : Signes and tokenes general of thiese sikenessis bien theise..ache..of their forhede and of their necke and of their eyen, and infectioun of þe bries, that is to say, chaungyng of their colour into another couloure than thei shuld have.
  • a1484 Diseases Women (2) (Trin-C R.14.52)488/102 : Their bryes bien of swart rede colour.
  • a1484 Diseases Women (2) (Trin-C R.14.52)488/106 : Their bries [L palpebre] bien of fieble colour and swellith sumwhat.
  • Note: Ed.: "bries n. pl. 'eyelids'."
    Note: Cf. Norri bree. Cf. OED bree 'The lid of the eye, the eyelid.'
    Note: Additional quots., sense (b).

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • ?1482 Rev.Monk Eynsham243 : The briys of hys ye-lyddys beganne firste a lytil to moue.
  • Note: Glossary: "briys n. pl. 'eye-lashes'."
    Note: Cf. OED bree, n.1 3. 'An eyelash.'
    Note: ?New sense.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

Note: Cp. breu n., which overlaps in both sense and spelling with this entry. Some sorting out may be required.