Middle English Dictionary Entry

welcǒm(e adj.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

Used predicatively of persons: (a) well-met; pleasing as a visitor, companion, or resident, welcome;—used to characterize someone whom one is glad to see or receive [occas. difficult to distinguish from sense 1b.(b) when prep. phrase or adv. follows]; ~ to wede, ?fortunate to be in possession or have use of (certain) livery; (b) treated as a valued guest or visitor, gladly or hospitably received, welcomed.
(a) As greeting: welcome, greetings; (b) in phrases and formulas of greeting: ~ art thou (be thou), ~ mot thou be, ye be ~, etc., welcome; (c) with adv. or prep. phrase: ~ hom; ~ to thin ouen (this place, etc.); ~ with mischaunce, you are unwelcome.
Used attributively of persons: sought after, desirable as visitor or guest.
Of things, events, etc.: (a) acceptable, willingly received, welcome;—used predicatively; (b) in formulas of acceptance, acquiescence, glee, etc.: welcome (be sth.); also, in apostrophes as if in greeting: welcome (death, etc.).
With inf. phrase: freely permitted (to do sth.);—sometimes used in greetings.