Middle English Dictionary Entry

bleu adj.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

Note: Cp. blo.
(a) Blue; esp., sky-blue, azure; (b) blue-violet, hyacinthine; deep blue-purple, indigo-blue; dark; as ~ as inde; (c) ~ purpre, ~ violet, bright ~, dep ~, inde ~, violet ~; (d) as a symbol of constancy; (e) fig. sad, sorrowful.
(a) ~ bothel, the blue cornflower Centaurea cyanus; ~ inde, indigo (as a pigment); ~ medle (medled, melde), variegated blue cloth; ~ turnesol, turnsole (as a blue-purple food coloring); ~ water, a blue dye; ~ wod del Inde, ?Indian woad, indigo; (b) her. Bleumantel Pursuivant, the title of one of the royal pursuivants; (c) in names.
Dark-skinned, ?bluish black; ~ as inde, dark (?or blue) as indigo.
Bluish grey, lead- or ash-colored; discolored by bruising, livid; as ~ as led; ~ and blo, ~ and wan, very 'black and blue', quite livid.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • (1450) *Court R.Long Bennington () : [Sale price] 'pro iii virgis panni lanei color' blewmedle.
  • Note: Additional quote(s) for 2.(a)

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • c1483(?a1450) OT in Caxton Gold.Leg.(Caxton)40ba : Affryke is the south part and..therin ben blew and black men.
  • Note: Additional quote, sense 3. Perhaps distinguishing the 'blue' men of North Africa from the 'black' men of sub-Saharan Africa?
Note: Note possible (or possibly irrelevant) confusion with blo adj.; both are paired with 'blac' and both are used to describe skin tone.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • a1500 Sln.122 Artist.Recipes (Sln 122) 84/27 : Forto make bise. Take half a pownd of blywe flokkys, [etc.].
  • Note: Need date, sense 1.(a). New spelling.
  • c1465 Eg.2852 Stain.Recipes (Eg 2852) 105/1 : To make bleu water. Take clene floreye, [etc.].
  • Note: Need date, sense 2.(a).
  • ?a1475 Cmb.Dd.5.76 Artist.Recipes (Cmb Dd.5.76) 217/20 : When þu seis þi asure blwe anogh, poure away þi weneger cleyn.
  • Note: Additional quot., sense 1.(a), New spelling.
  • a1400 Trin-C O.9.39 Recipes (Trin-C O.9.39)50/9 : Do in þis wise in somer seyson. Gadre blewe floures in corn and drye hem aȝens þe eyre, and þanne grinde hem.
  • Note: ?New cpd. ~ flour prob. = 'cornflower Centaurea cyanus'. Cf. OED corn-flower, n.