Middle English Dictionary Entry
warp n.
Entry Info
Forms | warp n. Also warp(p)e, werp(p)e, worp. |
Etymology | OE wearp; for sense 3. also cp. ON: cp. OI varp. |
Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)
Note: Cp. werpen v., wurp n.
(a) The threads, taken collectively, among which the weft of cloth is woven, the warp; also, the foundation threads of a spider’s web; ~ threde, yarn for the warp;
(b) the woof or weft [glossing L subtēmen];
(c) thread, yarn, etc. suited or intended for use as warp, warp thread; ?also, thread suitable for weaving generally;
(d) ~ fat, ?an open vessel or trough [cp. werpinge-fat, s.v. werping(e ger.]; ?a woven basket [OE wearp-fæt].
Associated quotations
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Lev.13.48 : Awollen clooþ or lynnyn þat haþ alepre in þe oof or in þe warpe [vr. werpe]…hit shal be holde a lepre & shal be schewed to þe prest.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Judg.16.13 : If…sefne heris of my heued wiþ warpþreed þou plattist…I [Samson] schal ben feble.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Judg.16.14 : Þe whiche arisynge fro sleep drowȝ out þe nayl wiþ heris and warp.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)270b/a : Spiþeres…strechcheþ þe worp wiþ wonder craft fro þe neþer syde to þe ouere.
- c1450 Trin-C.LEDict.(Trin-C O.5.4)599/18 : Orditura: warpe.
- ?c1475 *Cath.Angl.(Add 15562)136a : Þe Warpe of A webe: stamen.
- a1500 Add.37075 Gloss (Add 37075)69/308a : Stamen: werppe.
- a1500 Hrl.1002 Gloss.(Hrl 1002)628 : Subtegmen: warpe…stamen: offe.
- (1346) LRed Bk.Bristol2.2 : Item, quod nulla trama que dicitur ab sit in loco panni vbi stamen quod dicitur warp poni debet.
- (1374-5) Leet R.Norwich in Seld.Soc.563 : Simon persona ecclesie Sancte Margarete in Westwyk est communis emptor bladorum, lane, fili lane, oof, et warp…et non est civis.
- (1374-5) Leet R.Norwich in Seld.Soc.565 : Johanna Kempster…depredavit de Petro de Scothowe vj ulnas de warp de brown et est communis fur.
- (1440) PParv.(Hrl 221)517 : Warp, threde for webbynge: Stamen, licium.
- ?c1475 *Cath.Angl.(Add 15562)136a : A Warpe fatt: Alueolus.
(a) Some kind of rope or cordage;
(b) ~ rop, a rope of some kind, perh. a light hawser [cp. war-rop n. & warde-rop (s.v. ward(e n.)].
Associated quotations
- (1342) *Cust.Acc.(PRO) 176/3 [OD col.] () : j cord’ pro worp.
- (1420) *For.Acc.(PRO) 3 Hen.VI K/2 [OD col.] : ij hauusers de filo Burdegalie pro Frapelines et Warpe inde faciendis ponderis ciij quart. ix lb.
- (1296) Newcastle Galley in Archaeol.Ael.4.2186 : De Nave que fuit Wygmani de Stauer arestata…ij Gyrdyngis, ij Lyftes, j Boulyn, j Warperape, iijes Cabule et iijes ancore…De Nave Willelmi de Stauer…j Warprape, ij Schetes.
- (1420) *For.Acc.(PRO) 3 Hen.VI F/2b [OD col.] : ij hauusers de filo Burdegalie pro fraplynes et Warpropes inde faciendis.
- (1424-5) in Sandahl ME Sea Terms 3126 : In ij hausers pro haliers et warpperopes pond’ inter se cc dj xxiiij lb.
- (1432-7) in Sandahl ME Sea Terms 3126 : De haunc’ gross’ debil’ voc’ Warpropes.
As a unit of quantity, esp. for fish.
Associated quotations
- (1400) Comp.R.in Frost Hullapp.17 : ij m patynclogs, c warp. ollis lut’, ij c ollis lapið.
- (1417-18) MSS Penshurst in HMC1.206 : [Purchases for household: meat,] ij warpes [of salt fish, 2 s. 4 d.].
- (1436) in Rec.B.Nottingham 2156 : Johannes Ewer…dicit quod…Reynald…in uno warpe de saltfyssh, xx d., de praedicto Johanne…emit.
Supplemental Materials (draft)
Note: In transcribing the 1420 quot. in sense 2.(b), 'Q.V.' (N & Q ser.11, no. 10, p. 187) reads 'haunsers'.