Middle English Dictionary Entry

warp n.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

Note: Cp. werpen v., wurp n.
(a) The threads, taken collectively, among which the weft of cloth is woven, the warp; also, the foundation threads of a spider’s web; ~ threde, yarn for the warp; (b) the woof or weft [glossing L subtēmen]; (c) thread, yarn, etc. suited or intended for use as warp, warp thread; ?also, thread suitable for weaving generally; (d) ~ fat, ?an open vessel or trough [cp. werpinge-fat, s.v. werping(e ger.]; ?a woven basket [OE wearp-fæt].
Naut. (a) Some kind of rope or cordage; (b) ~ rop, a rope of some kind, perh. a light hawser [cp. war-rop n. & warde-rop (s.v. ward(e n.)].
As a unit of quantity, esp. for fish.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

Note: In transcribing the 1420 quot. in sense 2.(b), 'Q.V.' (N & Q ser.11, no. 10, p. 187) reads 'haunsers'.