Middle English Dictionary Entry

vī̆sū̆ā̆l adj.
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Entry Info

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

Note: Cp. visible adj.
(a) Pertaining to the faculty of sight, visual; ~ vertu, the substance embodying the faculty of sight; stremes ~, the beams of this substance thought to emanate from the eyes; (b) perceptible by the sense of sight, visible.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • a1484 Treat.Quadrant(2) (Trin-C R.14.52)652/906 : What so is the proporcioun of pointes of scala recta to xij (the angle of the quadraunt turned vp as bifore and the beame visuale passyng bi the side of the pitte to the terme of depnes of the side opposite whiche) is the dyametre of the pitte to al his depnesse.
  • Note: Ed.: "beame visuale a ray believed to pass fromt he eye to an object seen."
    Note: Additional quot., sense (a).