Middle English Dictionary Entry

vīs n.(2)
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) The face of a human or an anthropomorphic being, countenance; ayen his ~, facing him; biholden in (the) ~, to fix one’s gaze on the face of (sb.), look (sb.) in the face; (b) sheuen (turnen) the ~, turnen his ~, to show (sb.) one’s face in battle, turn to meet (sb.) in combat, face belligerently; also, of an image: turn its face (toward a foe) menacingly [quot. c1425].
Sight, view; haven the ~ of, to have the sight of (the object of one’s love), see, perceive; also fig.; haven in ~, keep (virtues) in view, contemplate, hold in mind.