Middle English Dictionary Entry

unright-wīsnes(se n.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

Note: For other forms see unright-wis(e adj.
(a) That which is unjust, injustice; also, that which is unlawful or unethical; as an attribute of persons: dishonesty, corruption; as an attribute of God: lack of justice, unfairness; mid ~, dishonestly, unethically; withouten ~, fairly, honestly; writen ~, to make oppressive laws or unjust rulings; (b) unjust practice or practices; also, an unjust situation.
(a) That which is morally wrong, that which violates religious teachings, immorality; unrighteousness, wickedness, sinfulness; speken ~, to utter sinful or blasphemous words; (b) sinful or wicked behavior, evildoing; also, an act of unrighteousness, a wicked deed, a sin; (c) unrighteousness reified or personified; also, the name of a specific sin [quot. a1225].
That which is out of the natural order, an inappropriate or improper thing.