Middle English Dictionary Entry

biswīken v.
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Entry Info

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

To deceive, delude, mislead (sb.); betray, defraud, cheat.
Of the devil, the flesh, and the world: to seduce (sb.), lead into sin or to perdition.
To deprive (sb.) of life, slay; ~ to dethe; pillage (a land).
To take away or withhold what is due.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • a1450 Lordyngis leue (Bod 48)81/294 : "Dame," he seiþ, "drede þe noȝt, þe maister is wonne," And likket; But þus he bereþ awey þe siluer and þe wif beskikket [Why werre (Peterh 104): biswyketh].
  • Note: New form: 3rd present sg: beswikket, (error) beskikket.
    Note: Quot. belongs to sense 1.
    Note: ?This word may be derived from MED skekken v.(1) (which ultimately derives from OF)although the semantic range of this entry does not include the meaning of "beskikket." Since there is no ME "beskekken" v., it seems doubtful to create a new entry ("beskikken" or "beskekken") based on a lack of clear morphological and semantic evidence.
Note: The list of variant spellings in the form section is incomplete and needs revision to accord with standards of later volumes of the MED.--notes per MLL