Middle English Dictionary Entry

tak n.(1)
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

Note: Cp. tache n.(1).
(a) A clasp or similar fastener; (b) a nail of some kind;— ?also coll. [quot. c1390], perh. with play on sense (a); ~ nail.
A protective metal plate used on a cart to prevent wear.
Naut. (a) A rope used to tie down the windward corner of a sail;—also coll.; (b) ?a metal cleat for securing ropes on a ship.
Holding quality, ability to hold one's ground; stability, endurance; haven litel ~, fig. to have little ability to resist; haven (taken) no ~, take no hold, be unstable; also fig. [last quot.]; haven no ~ with, be unable to hold the field against (sb.).