Middle English Dictionary Entry

sprī̆t n.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

Note: Cp. espirit n.
(a) The principle of life; ~ of lif, vital ~; (b) the human soul, esp. at the point of death; yelden ~, to die; (c) an immaterial being; an angel, a demon; also, an apparition, a ghost; ~ (of) wrong, Satan; (d) divine inspiration; also, the Holy Ghost; holi ~.
(a) The mind, intellect, reason; also, the senses, mental faculties [quot.: c1475, 1st]; (b) the power of prophecy.
(a) Character, disposition; povre of ~, meek, humble; also, as noun: humble people; (b) a mental quality; (c) courage, resolution; -- also pl.; (d) one's state of mind; a mood, frame of mind; -- also pl.; (e) the human will.
Breath; ~ ledere, one who draws breath.
Alch. A volatile substance; ~ of lif, a substance (analogous to pure alcohol) capable of uniting the fixed and the volatile elements of the completed philosophers' stone.