Middle English Dictionary Entry

skēr(e adj.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

Note: Cp. shir(e adj., skir(e adj., sher(e Thuresdai phr.
(a) Blameless, innocent, faultless; of speech: honest, straightforward, sincere; maken quite and ~, to consider (sb.) blameless; prove (oneself) innocent; (b) free (from sin), absolved; ~ of actual, free of actual sin; ~ of sinne(s; (c) free, unhindered; also, ?on one's own, left to one's own devices [quot.: a1225, 2nd]; quite and ~, free from prison; relieved of an obligation; gon quite and ~, to go free, go wherever one wants; (d) safe (from sth.), secure; ~ of harm, unharmed; (e) deprived (of bliss, possessions), bereft; (f) of the weather: clear, bright; (g) attenuated, rarefied, not dense; (h) in surname.