Middle English Dictionary Entry

shrǒud n.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) A garment, an article of clothing; a priestly vestment; also, an outfit of clothing or armor, a set of clothes; also, (one's) clothing, attire; also fig.; (b) coll. clothing, clothes; ecclesiastical or priestly vestments; also, armor quots.: St.Greg., Siege Jerus.(1); also fig. [quot.: Trin.Hom.]; widwe (widwene) ~, widow's weeds, mourning garb; (c) the provision of clothing; clothing in general; maide (maiden, maidenes) ~; (d) fig. the outward covering of the world, man, etc.; (e) the plumage of birds.
(a) A cover, shelter; an awning; also, a sheltered place; ~ hous, a place of shelter; under ~, under cover; also, under the bedclothes [1st quot.]; (b) one of the two annular flanges on the sides of a water mill that enclose the buckets; ~ nail, coll. nails used to fasten the shrouds to a water wheel; ~ whel, a water wheel furnished with shrouds.
Naut. Coll. or pl. The headropes with their associated ratlings, shrouds; also, sg. one of the headropes in the shrouds; also fig.; ~ chaine, a chain holding down the shrouds.
(a) Coll. Loppings from a tree [cp. shreding(e ger.(b) & shriding(e ger.(b)]; (b) ?a branch, bough; ? = 1.(b); -- used fig. of plumage [cp. 1.(e)].
In place name [cp. OE scrudland; see Smith PN Elem2.115].