Middle English Dictionary Entry

shiften v.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

Note: Cp. skiften v.
(a) To divide, separate; share, go shares; distribute (sth.), share out; discriminate among (people), make distinction of; ~ atwo, divide lands between two men; also, separate (two stones), keep apart; also, divide (troops) into two parts; ~ o six; (b) to push, strike; scatter (troops), rout, destroy; refl. bestir oneself; ppl. shiftinge as adj.: impelling, impulsive.
To dispose; decide; make ready; ordain (sb., sth., all things), set in order, arrange, control; decide (who should serve first); adapt (one's speech to evil ends), turn; refl. take care of oneself, shift for oneself; leten right ~, let right decide, let right prevail.
(a) To go, move, depart; move (sb. or sth.), transport, remove; dispatch (a messenger); refl. move oneself, go; (b) to change (sth.); ~ honde, of the world: undergo an abrupt change; of God: make an abrupt change.