Middle English Dictionary Entry

scā̆rs(e adj.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) Insufficient or barely sufficient in amount, number, or effect; small in amount, few in number, rare; of hair: sparse; of a text: lacking needed explanation; (b) limited in area, narrow, cramped; of a period of life: brief; (c) barely sufficient in amount of food, lean; (d) of measure: scant, only the amount specified.
(a) Stingy, niggardly; of a reputation, spending, etc.: characterized by niggardliness; also, as noun: a niggard; to ~, excessively frugal, niggardly; (b) provident, sparing; moderate in indulgence, sober; of diet: lean; of manner of living: moderate, sober, abstemious; (c) ~ of, niggardly in regard to (granting mercy, gifts, possessions, etc.); also fig.; also, sparing or careful in (forming affection); ~ of sinninge, free of great or many sins; ~ from, abstaining from (pleasing food).