Middle English Dictionary Entry

remǒunten v.
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Entry Info

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) To rise again, climb up again; also fig.; (b) hawk. to regain (a state of strength or good health); ben remounted, be restored (to a state of strength or good health); (c) to remount one's horse; -- also refl.; ben remounted, be on horseback again; (d) to restore (sb.), revive, encourage.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • a1486 Sln.Bk.Hawking (Sln 3488)142 : And whan thi hauke is fleing thus, remounte hure with hote metez euere j wassh. and þen she shall fle lowe.
  • Note: Modify gloss (d)