Middle English Dictionary Entry

rās(e n.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) A forward movement, course, progress; also, a sea current; also, a rush of water; (b) a course of life or conduct; a period of time; rennen the develes ~, rennen oute of god ~, to pursue an evil course; reuen ~, repent (one's) behavior; (c) a narrative, an account; with renninge ~, cursorily, with a slipshod account.
(a) A charge, an onslaught, attack; also, a sortie, sally; (b) swift running; a rush; also, speed; in (on, upon) a ~, in a hurry, quickly; on ~, in haste.
A sweep of a sword or knife, a stroke.
In surnames and place name.