Middle English Dictionary Entry

rag(e-man n.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) An accuser; the title of the statute of Edward I appointing justices to hear and determine certain specified offenses by the king's officials and others during the twenty-five years prior to Michaelmas, 1276; (b) a legal investigation leading to accusations (including false accusations); also, a document recording accusations or offenses; ~ rolle, rolle of ~.
(a) A legal document, a charter with blank spaces to be filled in by agents of the king; (b) the collection of instruments of homage and fealty made in 1291 by which the nobility and gentry of Scotland pledged allegiance to Edward I.
(a) A catalogue, list, roster; (b) a game of chance in which players drew from a roll consisting of verses describing their appearance and character, each probably with a string and seal attached to it; ?also, such a game played in gambling; ~ rolle, the collection of verses used in this game; king ~, one who composed the stanzas on the roll in the game.