Middle English Dictionary Entry

queu(e n.(1)
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Entry Info

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) ?A line of dancers; whirlen in ~; (b) double ~, a band of vellum or parchment attached to a letter and having seals on the free ends.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • a1325 Add.46919 Cook.Recipes (Add 46919)51.42/1 : Anoþur mete þat hatte couwe de rouncin: Nym þe veet & þe eren of swyn & boille heam in god wyn..roste heom..& corf to veyre mossels, [etc.].
  • 1381 Dc.257 Cook.Recipes (Dc 257)71.44/1 : For to make rew [read: quew] de runsy: Nym swynys fet & eyr & make hem clene & seth hem alf wyþ wyn and half wyþ water.
Note: New phrase, ~ de rounci, = 'nag's tail', a whimsical or comical name for a dish. Included s.v. rounci n., sense (e).