Middle English Dictionary Entry

profre n.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) An act of offering or presenting a gift; an offer of a gift, money, reward, help, etc.; (b) an offer of battle, a challenge; a peace offer or proposal, an offer to surrender; fig. the Devil's challenge in spiritual struggles; ~ of pes; maken ~, to make peace; maken ~ to, challenge (sb.) to battle; (c) an offer of love; (d) an offering or a sacrifice; ?also, the sacrament of the Lord's Supper.
(a) The act of petitioning or making a request; of his ouen ~, on his own initiative; (b) a petition, request; a suggestion, proposal; also, an idea, a thought [quot.: c1450].
A threatened or simulated blow; an attempt or effort.
The act of presenting oneself in a place, appearance.
Law A payment of estimated revenue due to the king or queen made by a sheriff, bailiff, or any other officer at the Exchequer at appointed times of the year.