Middle English Dictionary Entry
achāt n.
Entry Info
Forms | achāt n. Also acat. Pl. achātes, acātes, acādes. |
Etymology | CF achat, AF acat. |
Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)
(a) The act of buying, a purchase; (b) comune ~ [transl. L coemptio], a purchase made under (unfair) conditions imposed by a ruler; (c) fig. redemption.
Associated quotations
- (c1387-95) Chaucer CT.Prol.(Manly-Rickert)A.571 : Algate he wayted so in his achaat [vrr. achate, acate] That he was ay biforn and in good staat.
- (?1406) Hoccl.MR (Hnt HM 111)181 : I pynchid nat at hem in myn acate But paied hem as þt they axe wolde.
- (1424) Let.Bk.Lond.I (Gldh LetBk I)294 : And that takynges and achates be made in stedes and places where most habundaunce shal be therof, and that in convenient tyme, and that no more be take for the seid twey housholdes than nedeth in his sesoun.
- (1449) RParl.5.142b : All such manere of Merchandye..to be valued after that they cost atte the first byeng or atchate, by the othes of the same Merchauntz.
- a1475 Bk.Courtesy (Sln 1986)555 : Of achatis and dispenses þen wrytes he.
- 1532-1897(c1385) Usk TL (Thynne:Skeat)51/48 : Now is steward for his achates; now is courtiour for his debates.
- ?a1425(c1380) Chaucer Bo.(Benson-Robinson)1.pr.4.88 : Coempcioun is to seyn comune achat or beyinge togidre, that were establissed upon the peple by swich a manere imposicioun [etc.].
- (?a1430) Hoccl.Virg.& Chr.(Hnt HM 111)100 : Mercy, which hath maad thacat Of mannes soule.
Things purchased, esp. provisions for a household; -- usu. pl.
Associated quotations
- (1465) Acc.Howard in RC 57511 : Item, that he toke John Kooke for freshe acades, xiiijd.
- (1469) Ordin.Househ.Clarence in PSAL (1790)93 : Pieces of beefe and moton, and all other acates.
- (1470) Stonor1.106 : [For flesh, fish] and other acatys.
- c1475(c1450) Idley Instr.(Cmb Ee.4.37)2.A.2954 : Therfore lete a knyght pay for his vetailles, And specially to a poore man for smale acate.
- a1500 Travel Instruc.(CotApp 8)280 : Do purvey you..of fressh brede and erbage..for the patrone woll make short acates and of the werst.
Supplemental Materials (draft)
- c1425 Siege Jerus.(1) (Hnt HM 128)1305 : Acade [now corsed be he..þat þe cate [vrr. achat, akate] made..To sille so precyous a prince for penyes so fewe].
Note: New spelling
Note: New sense: act of selling, transaction, bargain.