Middle English Dictionary Entry

plā̆sterē̆r n.
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Entry Info

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) One who plasters the walls of buildings, a plasterer; ~ craft, a plasterers' guild; (b) as surname.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • (1467) Doc.Beverley in Seld.Soc.1455 : Ordinatum est quod si quis Carpentarius aut Tegulator, viz. Tilethakkerr, Tilewaller, et Plasterer, occupare voluerit in arte sua..alium operarium in servitorem suum, nec conducticium, vocatum jorneyman, seu operarium cum ipso non ducet ad operandum.
Note: Additional quot.; appears to refer specifically to a plasterer as a member of the plasterers' guild.