Middle English Dictionary Entry
pī̆k(e n.(1)
Entry Info
Forms | pī̆k(e n.(1) Also pic & pikke & pē̆ke & (in place names) pica, pick, pich. |
Etymology | OE pīc & OF pic (?from Gmc.) & MDu. picke, pecke, peke; ?also cp. OI pīk. |
Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)
(a) A spike; a pointed tip or spike on a staff, pole, weapon, instrument of torture, etc.; a spike affixed to a door or wall; also, a spike used to tear or wound someone; also fig.; → of iren, an iron spike; (b) the spike of a candlestick or chandelier on which a candle was fixed; (c) a quill of a hedgehog or a similar animal; a spine of a fish or an insect; a claw of a bear; also, a thorn or prickle of a plant; (d) a stroke made by a pointed instrument, a prick.
Associated quotations
- c1225 Body & S.(2) (Wor F.174)8/27 : Ond alle [sunnen] weren prikiende so piles on ile; He biþ þicke mid piles..So þu we[re] mid sunne iset al wiþinne; Þeo sunfule pikes prikieþ me ful sore.
- c1225 Body & S.(2) (Wor F.174)8/32 : Nu me wulleþ prikien þeo pikes inne helle.
- c1225(?c1200) St.Kath.(1) (Einenkel)1923 : Let þurhdriuen þrefter þe spaken & te felien mid irnene gadien, swa þet te pikes & te irnene preones, se scharpe & se starke, borien þurh & beoren forð feor on þet oðer half.
- c1225(?c1200) St.Kath.(1) (Einenkel)1929 : Þet al þe hweoles beon þurhspitet mid kenre pikes þen eni cnif.
- ?a1300 11 Pains(1) (Dgb 86)403/66 : A wel of stel is forþer-mo..A þousent spoken þer beþ on And pikes oueral idon.
- c1300 Body & S.(5) (LdMisc 108)p.59 : Forth was brouȝt þere..a corsed devel..With a sadel to the midside Fol of scharpe pikes [vr. nailes] schote.
- c1300 SLeg.(LdMisc 108)343/101 : Alle manere of tormenz bi-fore him he liet bringue..a bed of Ire with kene pikes al brenninde with-oute.
- c1300 SLeg.Patr.(LdMisc 108)170 : With Irene Ovles and pikes heo to-drowen him wel faste.
- c1325(c1300) Glo.Chron.A (Clg A.11)1185 : Stakes of ire monion he piȝte in temese grounde Aboue ssarpe & kene inou, bineþe grete & rounde..as þe ssipes..come..Þe pikes smite hom þoru out.
- c1330(?c1300) Bevis (Auch)180/3856 : Here bordones were imaked wel Wiþ long pikes [vr. hedis] of wel gode stel.
- c1380 Firumb.(1) (Ashm 33)4648 : Þe walles were of Marbreston Wyþ pykes of yre y-set þer-on oppon þe crest full þykke.
- (1396) in Salzman Building in Engl.332 : vj viroll, vj pykes pro hastis vocatis botours ad maeremium sublevandum.
- c1400(a1376) PPl.A(1) (Trin-C R.3.14)9.88 : Dobest..beriþ a bisshopis croce; Is hokid at þat on ende to holde men in good lif. A pik [vr. poynt] is in þat potent to pungen adoun þe wykkide.
- c1400 Brut-1333 (Rwl B.171)276/10 : He fonde in a chambre aboue v c of grete stafes of fyne oke, with longe pikes of yren and of stele.
- (1439) Doc.in Dugdale Monasticon 4554 : We ordene..that there be made a hache of conabyll heythe, crestyd withe pykys of herne, tofore the entre of yowre kechyne.
- (1440) PParv.(Hrl 221)396 : Pyke, of a staffe, or oþer lyke: Cuspis, stiga..Pyke, or tyynde of yryne (or prekyl, infra in T): Carnica [Win: Carinca].
- (1443) Proc.Privy C.5.257 : Of long pavises..With pikes behinde.
- a1450(a1338) Mannyng Chron.Pt.1 (Lamb 131)15835 : A schort staf he dide hym make..& dide þer-inne a wel longe pyk [F fers], Squar grounden, scharp, euenlyk.
- a1450(1408) *Vegetius(1) (Dc 291)89a : A calketrappe..haþ foure tyndes or prickes yscharpid kene; And how euere þis yren be ycast, þre pikes [vrr. pekes, prikkes; L radiis] or tyndes stont on þe grounde, and þe fourþe stant vp-Riȝt.
- c1450 Treat.Fish.(Yale 171)151/3 : Þen virell þe staff wel at bothe endys with hopy[s] of yren or laten, with a pyke yn þe neþer ende festnyd with a remevyng vise to take in & owt þe croppe.
- ?c1475 *Cath.Angl.(Add 15562)95a : A Pyke..of A staffe: Rostrum..A Pyke of A staffe: Cuspis.
- a1500(a1450) Gener.(2) (Trin-C O.5.2)2509 : Ther wepons were made owt of all mesur, ffull ill shapyn with pekys in and owt.
- (1447) St.Alb.in RS 28.5 pt.1 (Hrl 3775)450 : Item, unum candelabrum de auricalco cum uno pyke.
- (1458) Will York in Sur.Soc.30226 : ij rounde channdelers of silver wt pykez and noses.
- (1463) Will Bury in Camd.4919 : In the myddes of the baas, my candylstykke of laten with a pyke to be set afore.
- (?a1500) Invent.Lin.in Archeol.539 : Et in summitate utriusque dictorum candelabrorum est unum bolle castallatum et botraste cum vno pyk pro cereis superfigendis totum de auro.
- c1300 SLeg.Edm.King (Hrl 2277)47 : As ful as an illespyl is of pikes [vr. piles] al aboute, As ful he stikede of arewen wiþinne & wiþoute.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)281b/a : The cocodrille..is þerfore ouercome of fisshe þat haþ pikes [L spinas] and scharpe crestes in þe bak.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)288a/b : Grillus is a litel beste as cirogicillus is..wiþ prikkes & pikes and is lasse þan an yrchoun.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)289a/a : And for rowȝnesse and scharpnesse of þe prikkes & pikes he is y-cleped herenacius..& haþ..pikes in stede of heer.
- c1440(?a1400) Morte Arth.(1) (Thrn)777 : Thane come of þe Oryente..A blake bustous bere..With yche a pawe as a poste and paumes full huge, With pykes fulle perilous, all plyande þam semyde.
- a1450 Agnus Castus (Roy 18.A.6)172/24 : Pykys [Stockh: Lactuca..haȝt lewys lyk endywe, but þis herbe haȝt nonne piles in þe rygges as endywe haȝt].
- ?a1450 Macer (Stockh Med.10.91)199 : Git hauyþ foure corneres or pykes or hornes growyng vp even to hevenward.
- a1450 Treat.Horses (Sln 2584)119/445 : But if it be so þat þe corn be genderid, þen þou moste schaue it aboute þe corn oþer þe swellynge, & þen schalt þou garce it with many smale pikes meneliche depe, þat þe brused blod may out ren.
(a) A spiked staff, esp. one used by pilgrims; also fig.; (b) a stake, prop.
Associated quotations
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)15339 : Þa imette he enne pilegrim, pic bar an honde.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)15349-50 : Þe smið gon to smiðeȝe ane pic swiðe long, swiðe muchel an swiðe strong; swe scarp wes þe pic, þe staf wes swiðe sellic.
- c1330(?c1300) Bevis (Auch)110/2241 : To þe gate Beues ȝode Wiþ oþer beggers þat þer stode, & pyk and skrippe be is side In a sklauin row & wide.
- c1330 St.Greg.(Auch)149/845 : A pike [vr. pyked staf] he made of his spere, So palmer þat walkeþ wide.
- c1400(a1376) PPl.A(1) (Trin-C R.3.14)5.248 : He..knowelechide his gilt to crist..Þat penitencia his pik [B vr. Pryck; C: pyk-staf] he shulde pulsshe newe And lepe with hym ouer lond al his lif time.
- c1400(a1376) PPl.A(1) (Trin-C R.3.14)7.95 : I wile..ben his pilgrym at þe plouȝ..My plouȝpote shal be my pyk [vrr. pilgrimstaf, potent] & putte at þe rotis.
- c1440(a1350) Isumb.(Thrn)497 : The knyghte purvayed bothe slavyne and pyke And made hymselfe a palmere lyke.
- c1440(?a1400) Morte Arth.(1) (Thrn)3475 : With flatte ferthynges the freke was floreschede all ouer..With scrippe..Both pyke and palme, alls pilgram hym scholde.
- a1450-1509 Rich.(Brunner)613 : Þey were redy for to wende Wiþ pyke, scrippe, and wiþ sclauin, As palmers weren in paynym.
- c1475(c1399) Mum & S.(1) (Cmb Ll.4.14)3.232 : Þe portir with his pikis þo put him vttere.
- c1450(a1375) Octav.(2) (Clg A.2)1357 : Pyk and palm, schryppe and slaueyn, He dyȝte hym as palmer queynt of gyn.
- a1450 PPl.B (Cmb Dd.1.17)16.24 : Pikes [vr. pileris; Ld: Pieres..bad me toten on þe tree..With þre pyles was it vnder-piȝte. 'Pieres..whi stonde þise piles here?'].
(a) A pickax; a tool used for breaking up and digging up ground, breaking up walls, mining, etc. (sometimes identified with other tools, such as a mattock, pick, spade, hoe, etc.); (b) a tool used by masons and quarriers; also, a tool associated with a mill [both difficult to distinguish from (a), to which some quots. here may belong].
Associated quotations
- ?a1300 Fox & W.(Dgb 86)62 : He wolde sone after þe ȝonge Mid pikes and stones and staues stronge.
- c1330 7 Sages(1) (Auch)50/1119 : 'Tak a pike [vr. pykoys]'..An hole þei bregen.
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)108/23 : Þanne nymþ he his pic [F pic] and his spade and beginþ to delue and to myny and geþ in-to his herte.
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)116/30 : Pite..þet is ase þet guode mortyer huer-of me makeþ þe guode walles sarazineys þet me ne may naȝt breke ne mid pic ne mid mongenel.
- c1350 Cmb.Ee.4.20.Nominale (Cmb Ee.4.20)537 : Picoys, dolabre, et besagu; Pikke, brodehax, and mattok.
- (1376-7) Acc.R.Dur.in Sur.Soc.103585 : In sinctacione unius putei apud Heworth cum piks, bukets, et cordis.
- a1400(c1303) Mannyng HS (Hrl 1701)942 : Mattok is a pykeys, Or a pyke as sum men seys.
- (1400) Will York in Sur.Soc.4267 : Lego..omnes lez hakkys, pykkys, spadis..et omnibus aliis hujusmodi instrumentis in eadem domo.
- a1425 *Medulla (Stnh A.1.10)29a/a : Fossorium: a byl or a pyk.
- a1425 *Medulla (Stnh A.1.10)37b/b : Ligo: a mattok or a pyk.
- a1425 Templ.Dom.(Add 32578)245 : Pike ne axe ne shouyl ne spade, To make þis temple non sall nede.
- (1447) Doc.Durham in Sur.Soc.9p.cccxiii : The said Priour has graunted..land..with a colepit..therin to wirke & wyn cole evere day overable with thre pikkes, & ilk pike to wyn every day overable lx scopes.
- c1450(c1400) Sultan Bab.(Gar 140)2464 : Thay..bigonne a newe shoure To breke down the Walles With mattokes and with pike [rime: dike].
- c1450 Pilgr.LM (Cmb Ff.5.30)140 : The kyng holt pike [F besche] and howwe and delueth.
- (1454) Will York in Sur.Soc.30173 : An axe, a kychen knyfe..a peke, a grett arke lydles, a pikeforke.
- ?c1475 *Cath.Angl.(Add 15562)95b : A Pikke: ligo..hakke.
- a1485 *Vegetius(1) (Roy 18.A.12)35a : Pikes [Dc: He moote also ordeyne..for tool also as spades, schoueles, mattokis, & pykoyses þat nediþ to dikynge of dyches and mynynge of wallus].
- a1500(?a1400) Firumb.(2) (Fil)1411 : With pykes and with ore [read: ord] neuer nolde they late; they broken A pese oute of the walle of a kart-gate.
- a1500 Mayer Nominale (Mayer)726/30 : Hec liga, vel mera: a pyk.
- a1500 7 Sages(1) (Cmb Ff.2.38)203/1154 : Haue here..a pyke and a spade, And delue my husbonde owt of þe graue.
- (1337) Invent.Monk-Wear.in Sur.Soc.29142 : ij pikkes pro molendino.
- (1364-5) Doc.Finchale in Sur.Soc.6p.lxvii : Et in solucione facta fabro pro..x haxes de ferro emptis pro cementariis, et pikkes pro eisdem faciendis et acuendis.
- (1367-8) Acc.R.Dur.in Sur.Soc.100571 : Expense minute pro Cementar. et quarer. In operacione 30 petr. ferri in..4 hakkis, 2 pikkis.
- (1404) Acc.R.Dur.in Sur.Soc.100397 : Item, in custodia Sementarii 10 stanaxys, 2 pykkis, 2 hakkis, 1 kevyll, 3 gavelokis..2 mattokis..6 wedgis.
- (1472) Acc.R.Dur.in Sur.Soc.99245 : Item, j qwharellmell; Item, j pyke; Item, iiij wegges.
- ?c1475 *Cath.Angl.(Add 15562)95b : A Pykke of A Milnere.
(a) A pitchfork; a hayfork; (b) a tool for cutting peas; (c) a kind of kitchen utensil.
Associated quotations
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)227a/b : Þe somer hey..ofte is y-houe, y-torned, and y-went wiþ pikes, ȝeueles, and rakes.
- (1472) Acc.R.Dur.in Sur.Soc.99245 : Stabulum..Item, j pyke pro feno extrahendo.
- (1423) Doc.in Rogers Hist.Agric.3548 : 2 Pikkys [for hacking peas].
- (1396) Inquis.Miscel.(PRO)6.116 : [In the pantry, buttery, and cellar..3 round silver] salers [..2 silver] pikes, [2 silver] vases.
(a) The long, pointed toe or peak of a shoe, boot, or other footwear; a shoe with such a peak [quot.: 1394]; crakou ~ [see crakou (b)]; (b) a beak, a sharp projection.
Associated quotations
- (1394) Wardrobe Acc.Rich.II in Archaeol.62504 : G. cordewaner..Item, in ij paribus pykes de baleyn.
- c1400 in Camd.54396 : [The seed..of the Cassia fistula is..of the] gretnesse of a saucestre and shap most lyk þe pyk of a crakow sho.
- c1400 Wycl.DSins (Bod 647)124 : Men deformen hor body by hor foule atyre, as pikes of schoone.
- (c1424-34) Mem.Bk.York in Sur.Soc.120194 : Pro xij paribus de syngleware, vij d. ob.; ubi antiquitus solvebant vij d. pro illis que fuerunt hemyd vel cum longis pykes.
- (1440) PParv.(Hrl 221)396 : Pyke, of a schoo: Liripium.
- (1463-4) RParl.5.505a : And also to ordeyn..that noo Knyght under th'astate of a Lorde..use..eny Shoes or Boteux havyng pykes passyng the lengh of ii ynches.
- (1464) RParl.5.566b : Prayen the Commons..that it may please youre Highnes..that noo persone, Cordewaner or Cobeler..make..eny shoes, Galoges, or Botes with eny other pyke that shall pass the lengh or mesure of ii ynches.
- (1469) Doc.in Gilbert Cal.Dublin 1335 : And that a payre of shoes be no more [in] price than thay was of olde tyme..except lange pykys.
- ?a1475(?a1425) Higd.(2) Ctn.(Hrl 2261)497 : But mony abusions comme from Boemia into Englonde with this qwene, and specially schoone with longe pykes, insomoche that thei cowthe not go untylle that thei were tyede to theire legges, usenge that tyme cheynes of silvyr at the pykes of theire schoone.
- c1475 Gregory's Chron.(Eg 1995)238 : Alle so that yere the Pope sende a bulle for the Cordyners and cyrsyd thoo that made any longe pykys passynge ij yenchys of lengthe.
- ?c1475 *Cath.Angl.(Add 15562)95a : A Pyke of A sho..Rostrum.
- a1500(1465) Leversedge Vision (Add 34193)25 : The going of the sayd deuyllys..was in shorte gownes..pykes on ther shon of a foot in lengh and more.
- a1500(1465) Leversedge Vision (Add 34193)30 : Also j charge the neuer more to were long pykys, but thou shalt ordayn the schois without pykes with a lytyll stopping before.
- a1400 Lanfranc (Ashm 1396)156/17 : Þe grettere boon..haþ in þe ouer ende twoward þe elbowe an additament lijk twoward a bille or a pike; & þilke pike makiþ þe elbowe scharp whanne þe arm is folden.
A mountain.
Associated quotations
- c1450(?a1400) Wars Alex.(Ashm 44)4818 : Quen þai couert to þe crest, þen clerid þe welkyn..Þan past þai doun fra þat pike in-to a playn launde.
In cpds. and combs.: ~ iren, ?a pickax, ?a tool used by masons; ~ shaft, a linear unit of land measure; ~ staf, a spiked staff, esp. a pilgrim's staff; also fig.; also, as surname; milne ~, a tool used for trimming the surfaces of millstones; ~ wal, the gable or gable end of a building; col ~ [see col 4. (b)]; ere ~ [see ere n.(1) 5. (g)]; dong ~ [see dong n.(1) 5.]; fir ~ [see fir 2b. (a)]; pole ~ [see pol(e n.(2)].
Associated quotations
- (1301) Nickname in LuSE 55147 : Al. Pyckstave.
- (1356) Doc.in Riley Mem.Lond.284 : [2] gleywes [and one] pikstef.
- (1356) Sub.R.Yks.in YASRS 21103 : Alanus Pyckstave.
- (c1357) Acc.R.Dur.in Sur.Soc.100560 : 6 Milnpikkes.
- (1394) Invent.Monk-Wear.in Sur.Soc.29183 : In curia sunt..unum stanhamer, j trwell, iij wymbyls, iiij pikirns.
- c1400(c1378) PPl.B (LdMisc 581)6.105 : I wil..ben his pilgryme atte plow..My plow-fote shal be my pyk-staf [A vr. pilgrimstaf] and picche atwo þe rotes.
- c1400(?a1387) PPl.C (Hnt HM 137)7.329 : He..to crist knowlechede hus coupe ȝut eft-sone, Þat penaunce hus pykstaf [A: pik; vr. piked staf] he wolde polische newe.
- (1440) PParv.(Hrl 221)397 : Pykewalle [Win: Pyk walle] (or gabyl, supra.): Murus conalis, piramis, vel piramidalis.
- (1459) in Salzman Building in Engl.533 : The seyd John Loose shal make..the walles of a bakhouse..the walles..of ston and lyme with ij pyke walles of the same stuffe.
- (1460) Office of Augment.Misc.Book XLIII [OD col.]No.106 : Certam porcionem carbonum subterraneorum in campo de Newfelde prout iacent in longitudine ad mensuram xxx pikshaft et in latitudine ad mensuram octo selionum.
(a) In surnames; (b) in place names [see Smith PNElem. 2.63].
Associated quotations
- (a1272) EPNSoc.12 (Ess.)29 : [Reginald de] Pike.
- (1327) EPNSoc.16 (Wil.)97 : Pykewyk.
- (1194) in Bowcock PNShrop.183 : Piketorn.
- (1226) in Mawer PNNhb.& Dur.157 : Pikeden.
- (1241-2) in Bowcock PNShrop.183 : Picathorn.
- (1243) EPNSoc.21 (Cum.)340 : Staynpik.
- (1268) EPNSoc.16 (Wil.)97 : Pykewyk.
- (1279) EPNSoc.16 (Wil.)97 : Pycwyk.
- (1279-90) EPNSoc.34 (West Riding Yks.)188 : Pychghille.
- (a1290) in Ekwall PNLan.28 : Roinpik.
- (1311) in Mawer PNNhb.& Dur.157 : Pykeden.
- (1322) Close R.Edw.II567 : [And so to the height of] Yowberg, [and so to] Le Mikeldor [of] Yowberg, [and thence to] Le Rede Pike.
- (1027) in Wallenberg PNKent27 : De Pikeherst.
- (1341) Will York in Sur.Soc.42 : Lego..ecclesiae beati Johannis del Pike in Ebor. meliorem supertunicam meam.
- (1375) EPNSoc.16 (Wil.)97 : Pykewyk.
- (1380) in Bowcock PNShrop.183 : Pykthorn.
- (1424) EPNSoc.12 (Ess.)30 : Pykes.
- (1465) in Mawer PNNhb.& Dur.157 : Pykton.
- (1467) EPNSoc.12 (Ess.)29 : Pickhill. Pickcroft.
- (a1483) EPNSoc.12 (Ess.)29 : La Pyke.
- (1491) in Wallenberg PNKent359 : Pikhilde.
- 1662(1475) Bk.Vale Royal in LCRS 68 (Hrl 2064)151 : Item, a crofte callytt Pykrakys.
Supplemental Materials (draft)
- (1445) MSS Beverley in HMC130 : iij pikkis et j veterem pik fractum, j rastrum cum viij dentibus ferri, j gavelote ferri, et iij schovyls, j beryngbarow, ij trowys ligata, j colrake ferri, ij whelebarows, et j veterem schovyl.
Note: Additional quotation, probably under sense 3.(a).
Supplemental Materials (draft)
Note: Med., etc., see further J.Norri, Dictionary of Medical Vocabulary, s.v. pike.