Middle English Dictionary Entry
aue n.
Entry Info
Forms | aue n. Also a(u)we, aȝ(h)e, awȝe, ahe. |
Etymology | ON *aga; cp. OI agi. |
Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)
Note: Cp. eie.
Fear, terror, dread; also, great reverence, veneration, awe.
Associated quotations
- c1330(?c1300) Reinbrun (Auch)p.652 : Y nolde haue told it for non awe; Erst ich wolde ben islawe.
- ?a1425(?c1350) NHom.(3) Pass.(RwlPoet 175)908 : Þan Peter answerd with gret aw, And athes vn-to þam he sware Þat he saw Ihesu neuer are.
- (c1387-95) Chaucer CT.Prol.(Manly-Rickert)A.654 : He wolde techen hym to haue noon awe..of the ercedekenes curs.
- a1400 NVPsalter (Vsp D.7)88.30 : Ife sones ofe him forlete mi lagh And in mi domes noghte haues gane with agh.
- c1400 Wycl.DSins (Dc 273)167 : Awȝe [Bod: wiþ eyhe, þenke..hou þou hafs of God bothe powere and appetit].
- a1425(c1385) Chaucer TC (Benson-Robinson)4.620 : Have mercy on thiself, for any awe.
- a1425 Ben.Rule(1) (Lnsd 378)19/14 : Ye sal serue god wyd ahe.
- (1440) PParv.(Hrl 221)17 : Awe or drede: Timor, pavor, terror, formido.
- a1450 Castle Persev.(Folg V.a.354)498 : Of God hym-self he hath non awe.
- ?a1475 Ludus C.(Vsp D.8)79/218 : Þat all pepyl may serve þe with Awe.
Something to be feared, a terror or threat; the power to excite fear; danger.
Associated quotations
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)192 : Leunes and beres him wile to-dragen, And fleges sen on him non agen.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)1773 : Þat sorou to see was ful gret au [Göt: aue; Frf: aghe; Trin-C: awe].
- a1425(?c1350) Ywain (Glb E.9)2411 : Þis geant es..of his wordes ful kruell; I sal deliver hir of his aw.
- c1450(?a1400) Wars Alex.(Ashm 44)2987 : Bot Alexander..þaire aȝe is aschapid.
- c1450 Alph.Tales (Add 25719)11/14 : With grete aw & straytnes, þe congregacion..sho compellid to kepe þer ordur.
- ?a1475 Ludus C.(Vsp D.8)203/111 : He xal nevyr skape out of oure Awe, but he xal dye lyke a dogge whelpe.
- a1500(?c1450) Florence (Cmb Ff.2.38:Vietor)533 : Ye schoulde not fyght in fylde, But close þe ȝatys..And kepe vs clene owt of þer awe.
(a) ~ stod him, he was afraid; etc.; (b) beren ~, don in ~, putten in ~, setten ~ on, setten ~ on to, to make (sb.) afraid, frighten, intimidate, overawe; (c) for ~ or for favour, for fear or favor; for love ne ~, for love nor dread; also, on any account, at all; what for love and what for ~, etc.; (d) for ~, for fear (of sb.), out of reverence (for sb.); for godes ~, for Cristes ~, etc.; (e) haven in ~, taken in ~, to fear or reverence (sb.); taken ~, take reverence, be respectful; (f) haven under ~, holden in ~, kepen under ~, to restrain (sb.) by fear, control by fear, overawe; (g) stonden ~, stonden in ~, to be afraid, be respectful or reverent; with of or for: to fear or reverence (sb.); -- often with neg.; (h) stod me never ~, never frightened me, was never reverenced by me; stonden in ~ with, to be feared or respected by (sb.); (i) withouten ~, without fear, without reverence; also, without a doubt, certainly.
Associated quotations
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)432 : Caym..wurð ut-lage, wið dead him stood hinke and age.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)1636 : O me [God] standes þaim nan au.
- a1450-1509 Rich.(Brunner)3590 : Me standes non awe [vr. no drede] ffor to lye.
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)7185 : He Dredinng & aȝhe sette On alle þa þatt lufenn..unnsahhtnesse.
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)3546 : Ðat wod folc..deden aaron in aȝe.
- (c1375) Chaucer CT.Mk.(Manly-Rickert)B.3875 : Thow puttest al thorient in awe.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)12096 : Ye ber him right nan au [Trin-C: ȝe him done in noon awe].
- ?a1475 Ludus C.(Vsp D.8)355/18 : We muste on to hem set awe.
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)3632 : And quat for luue and quat for age, Aaron..Sette he hem for to seruen.
- a1400(c1303) Mannyng HS (Hrl 1701)2613 : Þey wuld nat, for loue ne awe, Ȝeue hym crystyn mennys lawe.
- ?a1400(a1338) Mannyng Chron.Pt.2 (Petyt 511)p.279 : Men may merci haue, traytour not to saue, for luf ne for awe.
- a1425(a1400) PConsc.(Glb E.9 & Hrl 4196)1870 : Ne for luf ne awe er nane sparde.
- (1425) Doc.in Morsbach Origurk.11 : Neþer for love neþer for auwe, but only in wyrschipe of god.
- c1425(c1400) Ld.Troy (LdMisc 595)747 : Ther-fore I praye ȝow for loue or awe, Fro that perile ȝow with-drawe.
- a1450(?1404) As þe see (Dgb 102)18 : Men may not staunche a comoun noys, Noþer for loue ne for awe.
- c1450(c1375) Chaucer Anel.(Benson-Robinson)69 : What for love of him and what for awe, The noble folk were to the toun idrawe.
- a1500(c1340) Rolle Psalter (UC 64)3.7 : Thai sall noght cun say ill agayns rightwismen..for aghe or for fauour.
- a1500(?a1390) Mirk Fest.(GoughETop 4)25/35 : Euery man schuld do þus for loue and not for awe.
- a1500(a1450) Gener.(2) (Trin-C O.5.2)1615 : For favour or for awe, I shall neuer assent to this mater.
- a1400(c1303) Mannyng HS (Hrl 1701)3234 : But y dar nat for goddys awe.
- a1400(c1303) Mannyng HS (Hrl 1701)9070 : Karolleþ no more for Crystys awe.
- c1450(?a1400) Wars Alex.(Ashm 44)169 : Artaxenses aȝe is all him ane foundid.
- c1450(?a1400) Wars Alex.(Ashm 44)1459 : For Alexander aȝe [Dub: aw], almast he euen deis.
- a1500(c1386) St.Erk.(Hrl 2250)234 : Ne for no monnes aghe, I remewit never fro þe riȝt.
- (c1375) Chaucer CT.Mk.(Manly-Rickert)B.3749 : This world hadde hym in awe.
- ?a1425(a1415) Wycl.Lantern (Hrl 2324)95/16 : Hir owene children..wole noþir take awe ne lawe.
- a1425(c1385) Chaucer TC (Benson-Robinson)1.1006 : Thanne arn they folk that han moost God in awe.
- c1450 Spec.Chr.(2) (Hrl 6580)136/12 : Som of god take here noon awe.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)5519 : Halds þam for-þi in au [Frf: agh; Göt: awee; Trin-C: awe], In birthþin, bath to bere and drau.
- c1450 Alph.Tales (Add 25719)5/30 : We halde our brethir so strayte in aw, þatt þai com to no myrth.
- (c1452) *Plea & Mem.R.Lond.GildhA.77.m.6a : To kepe therby the said Richard vnder hawe and drede.
- ?a1475 Ludus C.(Vsp D.8)9/293 : Þus they thowth vndyr þer Awe Cryst jhesu for to haue.
- (c1300) Havelok (LdMisc 108)277 : Al engelond of him stod awe.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)482 : He fell fullaw þat of his lauerd wald stand nanaw [Trin-C: noon awe].
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)12091 : He moght lere o man stand agh [Trin-C: lerne & stonde in awe], Til eldrin men wirscip to scau.
- a1425 4 Daughters God (CotApp 7)st.25 : No man schuld aw for þe, Ageyns þi byddyng for to be.
- 1425(a1400) Spec.Chr.(1) (Lnsd 344)137/11 : Summe of god stonde here none awe.
- c1450(?a1400) Wars Alex.(Ashm 44)5186 : Non aghe of me þou stand.
- a1450(a1425) Mirk IPP (Cld A.2:Peacock)721 : Ȝef he stonde hym on awe, To dedly synne Ieste he hym drawe.
- c1475(?c1425) Avow.Arth.(Tay 9:French&Hale)96 : He stode butte litull awe.
- a1500(1413) *Pilgr.Soul (Eg 615)5.24.102a : And of hire Lord God to stande in awe.
- a1500(a1460) Towneley Pl.(Hnt HM 1)367/7 : I stande great aghe to loke on that Iustyce.
- a1350 God þat al þis myhtes (Hrl 2253)28 : Crist ne stod me neuer hawe.
- (1465) Paston4.136 : Ye stonde in no favour with jentylmen nor in no gret awe with the comowns.
- ?a1300 Maximian (Dgb 86)196 : Helde, wiþ-houten hawe, Makeþ þat I ne may wawe Mi bodi wiþ-houten miȝt.
- c1330(?a1300) Arth.& M.(Auch)6000 : King Ban him mett wiþ outen awe.
- a1425 Shrewsbury Frag.(Shrw 6)5/28 : Prestis and princes of oure lawe..dampned him, with-outen awe.
- c1450(a1425) MOTest M.7 Boys (SeldSup 52)st.25 : Þe chyld answerd with-outyn aw.
- c1475(c1450) Idley Instr.(Cmb Ee.4.37)1.1070 : Þis shall þe bryng To heuene, wher is Ioye without awe.
- a1500(a1460) Towneley Pl.(Hnt HM 1)339/45 : In woman is no laghe, ffor she is withoutten aghe.
Supplemental Materials (draft)
- a1500(a1460) Towneley Pl.(Hnt HM 1)330/144 : Thise daies he has takyn skath, Vnto the ded, withoutten hagh.
Note: New spelling
Note: Add to 3.(i)
Note: !Quot. already found as oncer under hāth n.--JL