Middle English Dictionary Entry

nẹ̄̆r(re adj.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) Nearer in space or time; ~ dai, an earlier date; (b) more closely related by kinship; ~ kin (sibbe); (c) in proverbs.
(a) Nearer in nature, quality, or relationship; more akin; also, nearer in color; (b) closer to one's goal or purpose, better; also, more accurate [quot.: (c1392)]; of love, salvation, grace, etc.: sooner to come, closer at hand; ~ ende, a better purpose or conclusion; never (nought) the ~, no nearer to one's goal, no better off; never the ~ of, no more privy to, no more knowledgeable about; meven of no ~ mene, to discuss no more restrictive settlement, negotiate no further compromise; (c) more likely to result in (spasm).
As quasi-prep.: (a) nearer in space or time to (sth.); (b) nearer in nature, quality, or relationship to (sb. or sth.); nearer to attaining (sth.); of love: nearer to (sb.); (c) in proverbs.