Middle English Dictionary Entry

ne conj.(1)
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

Nor, or: (a) linking verbs, verb phrases, and parts of verb phrases; (b) linking nouns, adjectives, adverbs, phrases, and other small syntactic units; ~ ek, nor also; ~ ye, nor indeed; more ~ lesse, approximately; (c) linking clauses and sentences; ~ forsoth, ~..forsoth, nor indeed, and indeed..not. [In (a), (b), and (c), ne is usually accompanied by one or more negative verbs or adverbs, which are not correlative with ne.]
Lest; -- linking clauses and sentences; that..~, ~ hap (that, lest, lest it happen that.
In correlative constructions linking verbs, verb phrases, and parts of verb phrases: (a) ~..~ (ne, neither (nouther)..~, neither..nor; ~..~..~; nouther..~..~; also, with a negative contracted form of a verb [quot.: c1300]; (b) not (nought, no)..~, not..nor, neither..nor; (c) ~..~ (~, nor..nor; never..~, never ~..~ ~, never..nor; never..ner..~.
In correlative constructions linking nouns, adjectives, adverbs, phrases, and other small syntactic units: (a) ~..~, neither (nouther)..~, neither..nor; ~..~..~; neither (nouther) ~..~..~; neither..neither..~..~..~; etc.; also, with a negative contracted form of a verb; (b) non (no)..~, no..~ no (non), non..~ non, etc., no..nor, no..nor any; not..~, nought..~, not..nor, neither..nor; no (nought)..~..~, etc.; also, with a negative contracted form of a verb; (c) ~..~, nor..nor; ~..~ no, nor..nor any; never..~, never..nor; non..~ no..~ no, etc.; (d) the more ~ the lesse, ~ the more ~ the lesse, nouther more ~ lesse, ~ (nouther) lesse ~ more, for more ~ lesse, neither more nor less; nothing at all; on no account; neither more ~ minne [see minne adj. 1. (d)]; (e) ~ lesse ~ more, ~ more ~ lesse, ~) mo ~ lesse, neither more ~ lesse, more ~ lesse but, nouther more ~ lesse (but, exactly, precisely; no) more ~ minne, neither more ~ minne, nouther minne ~ mo [see minne adj. 1. (c)].
In correlative constructions linking clauses and sentences: ~..~, ~..nor, neither..nor; ~..~..~; ~..~ ek ~; ~..but, nor..but; ~..~..but, neither..nor..but; ~..on..oc, not..only..but.
(a) Introducing a statement or question; (b) introducing an elliptical construction; (c) in contractions: naffrai, nor fear; nafter, nor after; nis, nor his [see also of prep.].