Middle English Dictionary Entry

mis n.
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Entry Info

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) Sin, sinfulness; guilt, culpability for sin; evil, wickedness; withouten ~, sinless, innocent; withouten ~ of this man, he being sinless, innocent as he was; (b) a sin, an evil deed; criminal act, offense; also, a blunder [quot.: Pearl]; (c) beden ~, to give offense to (sb.), offend (sb.); connen ~, acknowledge (one's) sinfulness; don ~, do wrong, sin, live sinfully; also, give offense (to sb.), offend (sb.); don ~ ayen (to), sin against (sb., God); don the god for the ~, return good for evil; seien ~, lie, tell a falsehood; also, misconstrue or distort (sth. in a translation); seien and don ~, sin in word and deed; serven ~, merit ill-treatment; slaken ~, atone for (one's) wickedness; werken ~, do wrong; also, commit fornication; willen ~, incline to sin, be wickedly disposed; yelden ~, commit a crime in retaliation, return evil (for evil); [it is often hard to distinguish mis n. from mis adv., to which some quots. here may belong]; (d) amenden ~, menden (of) ~, of persons: to repent of (one's) sins, be repentant; make amends for (one's) offense, compensate or make restitution for (one's) misdeeds; also, see the error of (one's) pagan ways, be dissuaded from (one's) false religion; amenden (of) ~, menden ~, of God, Christ, or the Incarnation: absolve (sb.) from sin, redeem (humankind) from sin; atone for the sins (of sb.); menden of ~, of a situation: turn (sb.) from evil ways, dissuade (sb.) from wrongdoing [quot.: (1402)]; [see also amenden 1. (a) & 12. (b); & menden 1. (a)].
(a) In phrases: of (o) ~, amiss, astray, erroneously, falsely, wickedly, etc.; to ~ wenden, to misdirect (speech), waste (one's words); [see also amis adv.]; (b) in riming tags: withouten ~, certainly, undoubtedly, etc.; more ne ~, exactly (a distance of sixteen miles).
Damage, harm, injury; misfortune, plight.
Bereavement, loss (of sb.); deprivation, loss (of sth.); also, lack or need (of sth.); al withouten ~, with no detail missing, with no deviation or exception; dien for ~, to starve, die of hunger; haven ~, sense the lack (of sth.), feel the need (of sth.); also, suffer the absence (of sb.); wreken ~, avenge (one's) loss or defeat.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • ?a1400(a1338) Mannyng Chron.Pt.2 (Petyt 511)p.277 : Þe Scottis had no grace, to spede in þer space, for to mend þer nisse
  • Note: New spelling (error)
    Note: nisse error for mis. n.