Middle English Dictionary Entry

mīn(e n.(4)
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) A tunnel constructed to undermine fortifications or to permit underground entry into a besieged town; ~ postes, timbers supporting the roof of the tunnel; also fig. [quot.: Lydg.]; (b) a mine for the extraction of metals or other mineral substances; also, a natural lode of metals or a deposit of sand, clay, etc.; (c) a natural underground passage or cavern; also, a burrow.
(a) A mineral or an ore; (b) building stone; (c) a deposit on metal caused by oxidation; (d) fig. place of origin, source.
The act of digging or undermining; excavation.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • ?a1475(?a1425) Higd.(2) (Hrl 2261)2.17 : In that londe…be also mynes of stones diuerse in colour, redde and white, softe and harde, and white chalke.
  • Note: =quarry
    Note: Mod. gloss

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • a1500 Rwl.C.506 Artist.Recipes (Rwl C.506) 163/27 : Put hit to an esy fire, þan stere hym..and ȝif he go abute in þy vessel and ȝif he mefe, stere ofte so longe þat he meue nat withinne or wex as a myne, þan knowe we hit is ido.
  • Note: Clarke's glossary: "myne n. 'mineral'." Additional quote, sense 2.(a).