Middle English Dictionary Entry

lith n.(1)
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) A joint of the body; bothe ~ and bon, both joint and bone; completely; eche ~ from the lire, every joint from the flesh; ~ bo and lire, both joint and flesh; out of ~, out of joint; (b) a bodily member, limb; bon nor ~, bone nor member, no part of the body, nothing; fro ~ to ~ (lim), ?in all parts of the body, ?limb from limb; leien leg upon ~, to lay one leg over the other, cross the legs; ~ from (fro) ~, limb from limb; of bon and ~, of bones and limbs, of body; of ~ and lere, in limb and flesh, in all of the body; (c) ?the limbs, the body; (d) fig. limb of faith, an article of faith; (e) a part, a bit; (f) bothe in ~ and lim, in all parts of the body, entirely; bothe) lim and ~, bothe) ~ and lim, all of the body, all of a person; altogether, completely, wholly; everi lim and ~, every part of the body; in (of) lim and ~, in (of) ~ and lim, in all parts of the body, all over; altogether, completely; ~ nor lim, nother ~ ne lim, no part of the body, not at all; with lim and ~, with all of the body; lif and ~, life and members; upon lif and ~, on pain of death.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

Note: Med., etc., see further J.Norri, Dictionary of Medical Vocabulary, s.v. lith.