Middle English Dictionary Entry

kīve n.
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Entry Info

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) A tub, vat; ?also, a large, wide-mouthed jar; drenche ~, a tanner's vat for soaking hides; helle ~, fig. the pit of hell; ~ fat, a vat; (b) ?a prison; (c) ~ man, a maker or seller of tubs or vats.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

Note: For 'cunes' ?= 'cuues' at Lay.Brut 2285, see M. Laing, "Words Reread: Middle English Writing Systems and the Dictionary," Linguistica e Filologia 13 (2001), 87-129. The parallel passage at Brut 5976 has been scribally emended to '[tu]nes,' rightly or wrongly.