Middle English Dictionary Entry

jū̆ǧen v.
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Entry Info

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) To try (sb.) in a court of law; judge between or concerning (persons); bring (sb., sins) to judgment on the last day; of God: judge (sb.); ~ commune laue, administer the common law; (b) to pass judgment on (sb.); (c) to act as umpire of a tournament.
(a) To inflict a penalty on (sb.), condemn, punish; (b) ~ to, to condemn (sb.) to (death, hanging, burning, prison, hell, etc.); also, assign (the righteous) to (bliss, heaven); ~ into, send (sb.) to (his punishment); (c) with inf.: to condemn (sb.) to (die, remain in torture); condemn (sb.) to (be killed, burned, stoned, hanged, etc.).
(a) To make a decision; decide (to do sth., that sb. shall do sth., that sth. shall be or happen, that sth. is true, who shall do or have sth., etc.); (b) to adjudge (sth. to sb.), assign, allot; assign (sb. to be married to sb.); ~ in joie, assign (persons) to happiness.
(a) To judge (sb. or sth.) to be (sth.); regard (sb.) as (pure, a companion of Judas), consider (a wound) to be (mortal), etc.; ~ to ben don, decide that (sth.) needs to be done; (b) ~ for, ~ as for, judge or consider (sb.) to be (sth.); condemn (sb.) as (an enemy), esteem (sb.) as (able), etc.
(a) To form an opinion, think, suppose; think or suppose (sth.); (b) to predict (sth.); predict concerning (sth.); (c) to interpret (a dream, laws); appraise (a jewel); examine (blood, urine) to make a diagnosis; (d) to make a distinction, distinguish; distinguish (sb.); ~ fro, distinguish (one thing) from (another); ~ bitwixe, distinguish between (things); (e) ?to perceive, understand, be aware.
To express an opinion; say (sth.), declare; tell (of sb. or sth.).
(a) To rule (people, a country); be in power, govern; of a set of laws: prevail in (a territory); (b) fig. of nobleness: to rule (one's actions).

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • ?c1400(1379) Daniel *Treat.Uroscopy (Roy 17.D.1)f.57va (2.7) : Whan þe soule haþ þus descernede, i. dempte & iuggede, what is for to done and what for to leue, what to kepe & what to refuse, þo þinges þat ar for to done and for to kepe þe soule sendeþ hem forthe to þe memoratif.
Note: Additional quot. New spelling (pa. ppl.): iuggede.