Middle English Dictionary Entry

jū̆ǧe n.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) One who tries cases and interprets the laws, a judge; (b) ~ man, a judge.
(a) The Supreme Judge, especially in reference to the Last Judgment; God, Christ; (b) an ecclesiastic, or a high priest of the Jews, acting in the capacity of a judge; (c) a confessor.
(a) One who forms an opinion, decides a question, or makes a decision; an expert; also fig.; (b) an umpire in a contest or fight; (c) of the eyes:?regulators (of tears).
(a) A ruler invested with judicial powers; the commander of a Roman legion; ~ of helle (soules), the ruler of Hades; (b) a ruler of the Israelites in the premonarchical period; bok of juges, the Biblical Book of Judges (Iudicum).