Middle English Dictionary Entry
hā̆ver n.(2)
Entry Info
Forms | hā̆ver n.(2) Also hever, aver, hafre, hafir, hawer. |
Etymology | Prob. ON; cp. Icel. hafur, Norw., Swed., Dan. havre.?Also, OE *hæfera; cp. OHG habaro, MLG hāver(e, etc. Chiefly N & NMidland. |
Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)
(a) The cereal grain, oats; (b) ~ bern, ~ gerner, a storehouse for oats; ~ bred, oaten bread; ~ cake, a loaf made from oaten flour; also as surname; ~ mele, oaten flour; (c) ~ man, one who raises or sells oats; ~ melemaker, a maker of oaten flour.
Associated quotations
- c1440 Thrn.Med.Bk.(Thrn)29/37 : Tak hauyr & parche it wele in a panne.
- (1473) Award Asaph in Cum.West.AS n.s.9 [OD col.] ()280 : Cerane corne byg and hawer off Johne Clybburne.
- ?c1475 *Cath.Angl.(Add 15562)61b : Havyr: Auena, Auenula.
- a1500 Mayer Nominale (Mayer)726/19 : Hec avena: hafyr.
- (c1275) Hundred R.Tower 1454 : Matild. Havercake.
- (1301) Sub.R.Yks.in YASRS 2127 : Johanne Haverkake.
- (1372) Inquis.PM Edw.III13.82 : [Part of a great barn called] le haverberne, [to wit, from the door to the western end].
- c1400(c1378) PPl.B (LdMisc 581)6.284 : I haue..but two grene cheses, A fewe cruddes and creem and an hauer cake [C: a cake of otes].
- a1425 Roy.17.C.17 Nominale (Roy 17.C.17)657/29 : Panis auenacius: hafyrbred.
- c1440 Thrn.Med.Bk.(Thrn)7/36 : Tak a hate hauyre cake.
- c1440 Thrn.Med.Bk.(Thrn)28/16 : Tak hauyrmele & stampe it wele & sethe it with fresche brothe & ete þer-of wele, & it sal mak þi wambe soluble.
- c1440 Thrn.Med.Bk.(Thrn)36/18 : Tak hauyrmele grotes & sethe þam wele in water to þay be brostyn.
- (1466-7) Acc.R.Dur.in Sur.Soc.99154 : Pro punctuacione super le haverbarne.
- (1467-9) Acc.R.Dur.in Sur.Soc.103642 : Super emendacione diversorum defectuum super le Avergarner abbathie.
- (1471-2) Acc.R.Dur.in Sur.Soc.103644 : Super le Haybarne et 6 rod. super le Havergarner.
- (1306) Close R.Edw.I464 : [Customary tenants called] Havermen.
- (1325) Close R.Edw.II370 : [Villeins called] Havermen.
- (1332) in Fransson Surn.60 : Slm. Hauerman.
- -?-(1490) in Thuresson ME Occup.Terms196 : Will. Malson, haver-melmaker.
(a) The oat plant (Avena sativa); ~ corn, oats; ~ strau, oat straw; (b) in place names [see Smith PNElem. 1.214, 220-1].
Associated quotations
- (1440) PParv.(Hrl 221)372 : Ote, or havur corne: Avena.
- c1440 Thrn.Med.Bk.(Thrn)5/13 : Make lee of hauyre straa.
- (1120-30) in Ekwall Dict.EPN215 : Hafrebrec.
- (1158) in Ekwall Dict.EPN215 : Haverhell.
- (c1170) EPNSoc.21 (Cum.)415 : Haverich.
- (c1195) EPNSoc.21 (Cum.)415 : Heuerig.
- (1212) in Ekwall Dict.EPN215 : Haverholm.
- (1261) EPNSoc.14 (East Riding Yks.& York)207 : Hauerflat.
- (a1300) in Ekwall PNLan.221 : Haverrigge.
- (1336) in Ekwall PNLan.217 : Haverthwayt.
- (1373) EPNSoc.30 (West Riding Yks.)25 : Westhavercroft.
- (1408) EPNSoc.14 (East Riding Yks.& York)207 : Northaverflat.
- (1479) EPNSoc.20 (Cum.)16 : Havirberghe.
Supplemental Materials (draft)
- (1391) Acc.Exped.Der.in Camd.n.s.5220/27 : Super officio scutellarie, per manus Thome Fosdyke pro j hausak, et j schaue ab ipso emptis ibidem, ij s. viij d.
Note: New spelling if this word
Note: ?hagge saue (a saw); ?haversak 'a bag of oatmeal' (see ed. gloss.)