Middle English Dictionary Entry

hat n.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) An outer head covering (often worn over a hood or a cap), a hat; beneten ~, ?an openwork hat; bever ~, a hat of beaver fur; ?beveren ~ [see beveren]; cardinales ~; hat of strau (twigges), a hat of plaited straw (twigs); pilioun ~, q.v.; prikinge ~, q.v.; splete ~, ?a hat made of plaited strips of wood or willows; strau (stre) ~, q.v.; (b) a head covering of iron or steel worn as a helmet; hard ~, iren (irnen, isen) ~, stele ~; wir ~, ?a hat made of, or ornamented with, wire; (c) in oaths and proverbial expressions; gile under the ~, a trick or device concealed under a mountebank's hat.
(a) A crown, a chaplet of flowers, a crown of thorns; (b) a head covering to which bandages or dressings are attached; (c) the foam on a boiling pot; cloud or mist on a hilltop.
(a) In cpds.: ~ las, a cord attached to a hat; ~ liner, ?one who lines hats; ~ maker, a maker of hats; (b) in surnames.
A clump of trees; a wooded hill; -- chiefly in place names [see Smith PNElem. 1.219, 263].

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • c1450 Yale 163 Cook.Recipes (Yale 163)183.105/4 : [Whelkes boyled] Pyke the fisch out of the shill with a prikke & take of the hatte fro the hedde.
  • ?a1475 *Noble Bk.Cook.(Hlk 674)51a [75] : Boile welkes…then…tak out the fische wt a prik and put away the hattes.
  • Note: This seems to be some structural part of a whelk (along with the 'head'), a sense not elsewhere attested.--per MJW
    Note: Re: second quot. 'invented, unapproved stencil - brackets for Napier's p. #'

Supplemental Materials (draft)

Note: Med., etc., see further J.Norri, Dictionary of Medical Vocabulary, s.v. hat.