Middle English Dictionary Entry
ap(p)rǒuen v.
Entry Info
Forms | ap(p)rǒuen v. Also ap(p)roven, ap(p)rowen, apreuen. |
Etymology | AF aprouer, AL appruāre. |
Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)
(a) Law To appropriate (common land) to one's own use and profit [in accordance with the Statutes of Merton (1236) and Westminster (1285)]; -- refl. & intr.; (b) to assign (sth.) as property; (c) to bag (game); -- refl.
Associated quotations
- [ (1285) Statutes Realm1.94 : In Statuto edito apud Merton concessum fuit quod Domini boscorum, vastorum, pasturarum appruare se possent de boscis, vastis, et pasturis illis..domini hujusmodi vastorum, boscorum et pasturarum, salva sufficiente pastura hominibus suis et vicinis, appruare se possint de residuo. ]
- [ (1308) RParl.1.279b : Sire Alisaundre, jadis Rois D'escoce..se aprua de son wast deinz le dit maner..de divers terres, les queles terres apruez les ditz tenantz tenent. ]
- [ (1330) RParl.2.47a : Pleise al dist nostre Seigneur le Roi..graunter a les distes Burgeys..qe il se peusent approuwer des petites veneles & lues wasteynes en la diste Vile, sans blemisement de l'estat le Roy. ]
- a1325 *Rwl.Statutes [OD col.] (Rwl B.520)lf.28 : So þat te lordes..saue suffisaunt pasture to men hoere neȝeburs, þat heo mowen hoem aprowen mit te remenaunt.
- (a1443) Pet.Chanc.in Seld.Soc.10130 : Your seid bisecher may nought aprowe his part of the seid londes, because ther is no particion made ther offe..atte common lawe.
- ?c1475 *Cath.Angl.(Add 15562)4b : To Approwe: Approuare, sicut domini faciunt de vastis.
- a1500 Henley Husb.(Sln 686)42 : Yeff ye may approwe and make your londis better by wyning or ellis by store of catell or eny oþer approuynge.
- c1480(?c1470) Fortescue Art.Warw.(Add 48031)351 : That no patente be made in Inheritaunce of any partie of the kinges lyveloode..excepte suche patentes as shalbe made of fermes by the thresour of Englonde, bailliffes, and other officeres having powere taprowe the kinges lyuelode.
- c1450(?a1400) Wars Alex.(Ashm 44)1206 : Þus ȝede þai furthe egirly & entirs þe vaile, And slike a prai þam apreued as pyne were to reken..bestis out of noumbre.
(a) Be beneficial; be helpful (to sb.); (b) to benefit (sb.); (c) to improve (sth.).
Associated quotations
- c1450(1410) Walton Boeth.(Lin-C 103)p.276 : Sche began, 'Wilt þow not demen good þat doth aproven [vr. approwen; L prodest]?' I seide, 'Yis, þat moste I nede allowen.'
- a1500 Henley Husb.(Sln 686)42 : Þe wiseman seithe: 'he þat approvith to oþer men, often tymis he wastithe his owne.'
- c1450(1410) Walton Boeth.(Lin-C 103)p.249 : If þey [advocates] wolde appreuen [L prodesse] men algates, All oþere-wise þei scholde þeire office vsen.
- (1455) Doc.in HMC Var.Col.4203 : The profites and wele of the Commonalte ye shall by your power awayte and approve.