Middle English Dictionary Entry

glet n.
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Entry Info

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) Earthy filth or slime; (b) the human body; (c) fig. moral corruption, sin.
(a) Viscous or slimy animal matter; phlegm, mucus; (b) a morbid congestion of phlegm or mucus in a part of the body; -- also pl.; (c) viscosity.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • ?c1400(1379) Daniel *Treat.Uroscopy (Roy 17.D.1)f.77vb (2.13) : Of lecherie, þise ar the tokenes: þer appereþ in the vryn os it were ropand þingz, os it were parties of white glett, and þat is of his sperme.
Note: Additional quot., prob. sense 2.(a).

Supplemental Materials (draft)

Note: Med., etc., see further J.Norri, Dictionary of Medical Vocabulary, s.v. gleet.