Middle English Dictionary Entry

fenel n.
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Entry Info

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

Note: Cp. fenkel.
(a) Fennel Foeniculum vulgare; rot (more) of ~, etc.; red (rouge, brown) ~, a variety of fennel with brown seeds, ?German or Saxon fennel; (b) when qualified, denoting other plants: hound ~, dogge ~, hog's fennel Peucedanum officinale; also stinking camomile Anthemis cotula.
Cpds. (a) fenel-more, ~ rot, fennel root; (b) ~ scales; (c) ~ sed, fennel seed.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • c1475 Sln.4 Recipes in Rel.Ant.1 (Sln 4)324 : Recipe..bay trees, radyshe, redesenelle [read: redefenelle].
  • Note: New form: Also..(error, in cpd.) -senelle.
    Note: Quot. belongs to sense 1.
    Note: Quot. also used under rēd adj.--JL
  • c1400 To God (Wel 406)224 : Alle of þe herbys o Ierlonde, Here þow schalt ham knowe eueri onde..Finelle, sowrynwod, weþerwoy, & carway.
  • Note: New form: Also..finelle.
Note: The list of variant spellings in the form section is incomplete and needs revision to accord with standards of later volumes of the MED. Provisional revised form section (including supplement quots.): Also fenele, fenil, finel(le, vinel, (error, in cpd.) -senelle & (early) finule.-- notes per MLL