Middle English Dictionary Entry

fāvǒur n.
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Entry Info

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) Disposition to act to another's advantage; sympathetic or friendly regard; good will; grace or benevolence (of God, a superior); esteem (of the multitude); propitious regard (of Fortune); (b) disposition to approve; assent, sanction; (c) good graces; (d) of ~ with favorable bias, generously.
(a) The manifestation of good will, sympathetic regard, or the like; an act of good will; don or shewen favour; (b) help, assistance, aid, support; succor, relief; (c) Poet. one who shows good will or renders assistance; benefactor, helper.
(a) Special or biased regard or treatment; partiality, bias; (b) something conferred to show special regard.
(a) Attractiveness, comeliness, charm, beauty; (b) appearance, looks.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • ?c1400(1379) Daniel *Treat.Uroscopy (Roy 17.D.1)f.4ra (Prologue) : Loue & charite ouercommeþ simple men, but couetouse of temporal lucre or of praysing or of fauour ouercometh hem þat bene childer of þis worlde.
  • ?c1400(1379) Daniel *Treat.Uroscopy (Roy 17.D.1)f.4rb (Prologue) : I do it noȝt for cause of lucre of fauour as oþer men doþ, þat þai be sene wise onely in myche speche of speking men þat bene nowe.
Note: ?New sense. Editor's gloss: 'patronage'.